18. Rope

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Chapter 18 ~ Rope

"Kiara, why the hell is Brittany lying on the floor?" Aaron said, shock written all over his face.

He nudged her with his boot, but she didn't get up or even move.

"She wanted out," Kiara said with a shrug.

I watched in fear as Aaron's face darkened into a murderous glare. He ground his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Pathetic" he spat out in Brittany's direction.

"That's what I said to her" Kiara agreed in a sing-song voice. "So is she gonna join her new bestie as a punishment?"

Aaron nodded.

"Yeah about that, why the hell is the mutt just sitting there on her bed staring at us like that?"

"Bridion" was her reply.

"Wow, how'd you manage to get that? I'm impressed" he said with raised eyebrows.

"I stole it from Joy" Kiara smirked, stepping closer to him.

What was going on? What were they going to do to Brittany and me? What did I ever do to them?

Panic began to rise and adrenalin pumped through my veins. All I wanted to do right now was escape, but an invisible force Kiara called Bridion kept me firmly in place.

"You proud of me?" Kiara purred, batting her eyelashes at him.

"What the hell? Try and seduce me again, and you'll end up the same way Brittany is!" he exclaimed in aggravation, taking a step back.

"Wow, I'm sorry! Big words for a little boy, huh?" she said, the pain of rejection clear on her face.

"I'm not little. Don't underestimate me" he growled back.

Just then Thomas and Sean burst into the room.

"What the hell took you two so long?" he demanded with an authoritative tone.

Long gone was the small boy who used to pick on me. Power filled the air around him, causing me to want to shrink away, but I couldn't move.

The two of them just shrugged, and Thomas handed him two long pieces of rope.

"We're gonna need two of them. Sean go get another one. And hurry it up!" Aaron instructed.

From the ground where she was lying, Brittany twitched, and let out a groan. Sean dashed out of the room, and in his rush, tripped on the edge of the doorframe.

"Sean hurry the hell up!" Aaron barked at him.

Stumbling again, Sean jumped up and ran out of sight.

"Kay, we may as well tie Britt up first, seeing as she isn't drugged up and looks like she could wake up anytime soon" Aaron suggested to Kiara.

She gave him a firm nod and began binding her hands and legs. She reached past Aaron and grabbed a bright yellow bandana, swiftly and tightly tying it around Brittany's mouth.

"I'm back!" Sean panted, dashing back into the room. Fear began to erupt from my chest and I wanted to scream and fight, but I couldn't. I knew I was next, and this terrified me. Aaron snatched two strips of rope from Sean's hands and prowled over to me, smirking deviously.

I am SO sorry for the wait ;-;

I was on a massive holiday, 

but I'm back now

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