15. Do You Really Think I Would Tell On My Best Friend?

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Chapter 15 ~ Do You Really Think I Would Tell On My Best Friend?

"Get off me Kiara!" Brittany shouted, pushing her away.

She picked herself up off the floor and gasped.

"Mashiro, are you okay?!"

My hand gripped the back of my neck and i felt hot blood seep through my fingers. My hair was worse than before, and it was quickly being covered in blood. I stepped down from the chair and backed away from the two girls.

"I'm so so sorry Mashiro, I didn't mean to cut you" she pleaded, walking towards me.

I took another shaky step back away from her. Dizziness clouded my vision and my breathing got heavy. I wanted to tell them to go away, but i couldn't form any words. My body felt light and heavy at the same time. I looked down and saw blood trailing on the ground below me.

"Crap.. Kiara! Get Joy" Brittany begged.

Hearing the urgency in her voice, Kiara dashed out of the room.

"Mashiro please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" Brittany pleaded. "You're bleeding, let me help you!"

She came over to me and I let her sit me down. She reached over to her bedside table and grabbed a heap of tissues, pressing them to my wound with force. I looked down, not daring to look up at her.

"Mashiro, I-i'm sorry" she whispered, her voice cracking slightly.

I slowly lifted my head to see unshed tears glistening in the corners of her eyes.

Just then Joy burst into the room, Kiara tailing her with something strange-looking in her hand.

"Honey are you okay?" she called out, running to my side.

She peeled the bloody tissues off of my wound and pressed around the area. Then she reached into her pocket and pulled out a bandage, wrapping it around my neck.

"Sorry for the location of the bandage, child, but that's the best I can do. Now the good news is, it's nothing serious, and it doesn't look like it needs stitches. It's only bleeding heaps because you may have thin blood. So please, before you pass out, can you eat the food Kiara got you? I'm sure you'll like it" Joy informs me with a slight smile. "Oh, and in the future, please don't go laying down where scissors are, you might hurt yourself even more!"

Then Joy stood up, and watched as Kiara hurried over to me, and handed me a small slice of chocolate brownie.

"Kiara, I thought I asked for you to grab a large piece?" Joy asked quizzically.

"Sorry ma'am, but there was only this piece, and one other smaller piece. So I grabbed her a sandwich instead" kiara told her.

I scoffed down the brownie in a matter of seconds, causing my stomach to churn. Nausea bubbled up in my throat, but as quickly as it appeared, it left. The dizziness began to subside, and once joy noticed this, she gave me a cheerful nod, and hurried out of the room.

"Kiara!" Brittany hissed disapprovingly.

"What?" she replied with an eyeroll.

"Why the hell did you tell Joy that Mashiro went to lay down on the scissors? That's nowhere near true!" Brittany exclaimed in a hushed voice.

"Britt, do you really think I would tell on my best friend?" Kiara frowned, shaking her head at me.

"What do you mean" Brittany growled in a low tone.

"Well you were the one who cut her" Kiara shrugged.

I tried to make a sound to get them to stop, but their arguing got louder and worse. No noise would come from my throat, and their voices doubled in volume.

In the heat of their argument, I grabbed onto the two girls arms as tight as I could, causing them to look down at me. I shook my head firmly at them, and instantly regretted it. Pain shot from my neck and up my spine. I cradled my aching head with one hand, and my screaming neck with the other.

"Lets deal with this later" Kiara said to Brittany, directing her attention back onto me. "Once you stop hugging yourself, have this. I found it on the kitchen bench. I hope it's not Ms Litch's"

she laughed and sent her angry best friend a wink, before placing the sandwich on my lap.

"I don't think you realise how much I hate you right now" Brittany muttered at Kiara, who poked her tongue out in return.

"Now, I have no idea what is in that sandwich, but I hope you enjoy it" Kiara smiled, her eyes reflecting hidden mischief.

Once the pain had settled, I released my head and neck, and slowly grabbed the sandwich.

"Looks like peanut butter and raisins" Brittany said, eyeing Kiara cautiously.

"So it does" was her reply.

I opened my mouth slowly, and took a bite of the sandwich.

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


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