23. Wolves

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Chapter 23 ~ Wolves

Bones began to crack and pop as I watched Thomas and Sean in horror. Their figures began to mutate in the moonlight, to reveal giant furry beasts.

"Wolves" Brittany muttered. "Of course they're bloody wolves."

Fear began to surge through me, and without thinking I ran forward and towards them. I stopped before the giant mutated beasts and reached my restrained hands up at them.

Whatever had just happened seemed to have caused them pain, as they were growling loudly. I I touched Sean's muzzle, as to ask if he was okay. He growled and snapped at my hand, breaking the rough rope tied around it. I squeaked and retracted my hands as fast as I could.

Without a second of warning, the beast that was Thomas reached out his paw and swiped it across my face with force.

I let out a panicked scream as he raised his paw again, but was yanked back by Brittany.

"What the hell Mashiro?!" she demanded, her voice quavering.

He looked in pain... All I wanted to do was help! Why did he try and hurt me back? I thought to myself, covering the mauled half of my face which was throbbing with each beat of my heart.

Blood trickled through the gaps in my fingers.

She shook her head in frustration and fear, and then turned around and crouched, angling her back at me.

The mob of wolves circling around us seemed to double in size. There were at least four more grey ones and two more white ones and they were all growling in anticipation, waiting for their leader's command.

It was freaking me out how they were just staring at us, but making no move to attack. Thomas bent his neck and licked my blood off his paw then looked back at me. I could swear he was grinning.

"Jump onto my back" Brittany's urgent voice ordered.

I complied, and wrapped my trembling legs around her waist. My arms found their way around her neck and my chin hung over her shoulder.

I wanted to tell her I was scared but once again no words came out. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes and I began to shake even harder.

As she stood up and grabbed onto my ankles, Thomas let out a louder growl and the wolves began to slowly close in on us.

"Don't be scared and do exactly what I say," she told me, tightening her grip on me.

"I'm gonna boost you up, and when I say, you're going to jump onto that branch, okay?" she commanded, looking up at a branch ahead of us.

I could feel her trembling and hugged her closer.

A thought crossed my mind that caused me to panic even more. Would Brittany be coming with me, or would she leave me here all alone?

My grip on her neck tightened and another wave of nausea passed through me at the thought of being alone with these monsters. I did my best to try and hold back the flood of tears threatening to rain from my eyes.

"It's okay Mashiro, I'm gonna make sure you stay safe" Brittany said anxiously, trying to sound brave.

Like me, she felt very cold, and her heart was pounding fast. Her breathing was heavy as she took a shaky step closer.

The wolves were getting antsy as they got closer and closer. They began to scrape their paws impatiently at the ground and whine at their leader.

Brittany took another step, and then another step. We just made under the branch when the wolves stopped. They were so close to us that I could see each individual hair in their furry coats.

Thomas stood up tall and let out a howl, and in the distance, responded another.

Without a second's hesitation, the wolves leapt into action. 

so tired

got a puppy on the weekend- it won't stop barking

slower updates now fam :<

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