21. Many, Many, Many Questions

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Chapter 21 ~ Many, Many, Many Questions

After what felt like hours of confusion and torture, Aaron finally stopped running. His sudden cease of movement caused my head to slam hard on the ground below me. I squinted my eyes closed to avoid having to watch as the world spun around nauseatingly. Aaron dropped the rope he was holding and my arms fell to my churning stomach. He looked down at me for a second and then began to casually walk away from me. I went to sit up, to see what was going on but couldn't. Though, to my surprise, I was able to move my neck. Using all the strength I could muster, I tried again to sit up, and after a moment of struggle, I did. Whatever was keeping me from moving must have been wearing off! Finally, I could see what was going on around me.

I took a glance around at my surroundings, and instantly regretted even sitting up. The scene around me was terrifying, almost worse than Ms Litch's room. Thomas and Sean were both wrestling with Brittany to keep her pinned to the ground, while Kiara watched, gleefully clasping her hands before her. But the worst part of it all was the twelve wolves standing in the clearing before me, seemingly having a conversation with Aaron. The wolves looked tall and strong, and rather large. I had never seen a wolf so big. Out of the twelve wolves, there were five light grey ones, four dark grey ones, two brown ones, and one white one. They were growling, and snarling, and looking at Aaron eagerly. Were they going to eat him? Did he bring me all this way for us to get eaten? But Aaron was talking back to them. Was he trying to get them to allow us to pass? Why could he speak to animals and I couldn't. I frowned at the thought. I was nicer than him, so why did he get a special power? I turned my head to look at the white wolf and shrunk back a little. It had blood on the fur around its mouth and seemed to be grinning at me.

Then one by one, all the other wolves turned their heads to face me and began to growl. One of the brown ones let out a shrilling howl and scratched at the dirt below it. Aaron smirked and turned away from them, making his way over to me.

He reached down and gripped onto my neck. I tried to scream but the air was quickly cut off from my lungs. He grinned, showing off his sharp white teeth, finding joy from seeing me in pain. I reached up and grabbed his hands, digging my nails into his wrist. This only made him laugh.

He began to drag me forcefully over to the wolves who were growling more eagerly with each step he took. My arms dropped from my grip on Aaron's wrist and black spots formed in my vision. Just when I thought the dark would come rescue me, I was flung to the ground, and back to reality. I took a desperate gasp of air and began to cough violently.

It felt like forever until I could finally breathe again, and decided to look up.

Above me towered the white wolf, and from its stance, I could truly see how big it was. The blood smeared all over its fur dripped down and splashed onto my ice cold cheek.

It was warm.

I flinched and squinted my eyes closed, waiting for the inevitable to happen. But it didn't.

None of the wolves made any move to eat me.

Were they trained?

I peered my eyes open to see the wolf almost smirking down at me and began to tremble in fear. What was going on? I just didn't understand. Why was I here? Why was I tied up? Why was Brittany here? Why was she tied up? Why were there wolves? Why weren't they eating me? Questions swirled uncontrollably around my head and I began to panic. My trembling became insuppressible causing my limbs to spasm violently.

"Scared, mutt?" Kiara taunted.

"Shut up Kiara!" a desperate voice yelled.

I managed to turn my head to the sound and saw Brittany struggling to lift her head and keep the yellow bandana out of her mouth.

"Wouldn't you like that, backstabber" Kiara sneered.

"Yeah say that to my face when I'm not being restrained by your lackeys!" Brittany shouted back.

"Fine! Come at me brat!" Kiara shrieked, taking a threatening step forward.

Thomas and Sean looked up at Aaron, as if to ask him if they could release Brittany.

Aaron smirked, and then they let her go.


I just realised how uneven my publishing has been

I will try to do better >.<

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