6. Food

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Chapter 6 ~ Food

I woke up to the sound of thousands of feet thundering down the wooden stairs near my bedroom. The alarm clock flashed 7:31am and the sun shone fiercely through my open window.

I could hardly believe my eyes! I was actually awake in time for breakfast! I jumped up and didn't bother getting changed. One word kept circling through my head.


My feet hit the cold hard wooden floor but i didn't even flinch. Completely awake and starving, i began running for the door. I swung it open and practically leaped down the hard timber stairs, moving as fast as i could towards the dining hall. I could see it straight in front of me; the brown double doors swung wide open and the large room, filled with long white tables and chairs. Orphans were casually walking in, with sleepy smiles on their faces, but i pushed past them. The smell of pancakes and bacon wafted towards me and i felt hypnotised by it as i drew closer. I was about to leap through the doors and enter into food heaven, when i was grabbed by the collar and ripped back.

The forceful pull choked me, and sent me into a fit of heavy coughs. I fell to the floor holding my neck and gasping for air. Once i could finally breathe again, i noticed two very pointy red high heels, holding two very wrinkly feet tap impatiently beside me. I looked up and my eyes widened. There she stood, face red and puffed with anger, glaring down at me. Even her long grey skirt and her grey buttoned up blazer seemed to scold me.

"M-ms Litch?" i stuttered looking back down at the ground.

"And what do you think you're doing?" she demanded in her deep striding voice.

"I w-was gonna get food?" i mumbled, not daring to look up.

I felt her stiffen beside me and flinched as she scraped the heel of her shoes on the hard timber floor.

"What makes you think i'd let you get food" she challenged, her voice becoming more and more aggressive.

"I did what you t-told me to do" i squeaked, hunching my shoulders together.

"Look at you though! Even if i agreed that you did what i told you to do, which i don't, you haven't cleaned up! You're still in your night gown, and seem like you are in desperate need for a shower! Get out of my sight" she yelled, drawing the attention of people walking past.

I gave her a short nod, and went to hop up.

The exact same time she decided to walk away.

I cried out as our bodies collided and tried to balance myself, watching in horror as ms litch tumbled to the ground.

Several gasps were heard around the hallway, and then complete silence followed. It was like time had stopped completely. No-one dared to move.

After a minute of nothingness, ms litch sat up stiffly and snapped her neck in my direction.

Then, as if someone pulled a trigger, she leaped up and let out a roar of fury.

"You little wench!" she boomed, grabbing onto what was left of my hair.

I let out a scream of pain as she dragged me out of the hall and tried to pry her fingers out of the hair she began knotting it.

My scalp burned as she lifted me up from the ground, just like the boys did, and threw me to the ground in front of her.

"I-i'm sorry!" i wailed, begging for her pardon.

Instead she towered over me, an ugly scowl forming deep into the crevices of her face.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, brat!" she yelled, stomping her high heels furiously to the floor.

Fear flooded through my veins and tears clouded my vision.

"You're not getting off lucky this time" she growled, reaching down and grabbing onto my arm.

A pre warning: chapters may be coming in slower, because all these were pre written from my old account.

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


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