28. Anger

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Chapter 28 ~ Anger

Aarons Pov

*possible trigger warning* (talks about beating people to death)

As I stepped back from the window and into the shadows, I felt my cheeks flush red with anger and hatred. Beneath the mix of these emotions lay confusion. How the hell did that stupid mutt survive my pack of wolves? And why did I feel so weird when I looked at her. I glared at her smashed window and watched as the brat hurried towards the gardener's old shed. Why did she care if the old man cut his hand?

I clenched my jaw and ran my hand through my hair. I couldn't watch any more. She should have died.

Resisting the urge to jump out the broken window and pound her face in, I forced myself to remain calm and take the stair route instead.

As I neared the end of the staircase, I felt my hands twitch in anticipation. If those stupid wimpy wolves couldn't kill her, I'd beat her to death.

I jumped down the last three steps and ran out the back door. Biting my tongue to stop from screaming profanities at her, I furiously made my way to where she was wiping the pathetic gardener's wounds. I grabbed onto her wrist and wrenched her away from the old man.

"Why the hell aren't you dead?!" I roared.

"I-I-I.." she stuttered, her eyes widening in fright.

As soon as she spoke her jaw dropped open and with her free hand, she clenched her throat.

All fear disappeared from her face and she flashed me a look of surprise. She cleared her throat and went to speak again.

"H-hello?" she said.

The hell was this mutt doing? I was about to beat her into the ground and she was trying to start a conversation with me??

"Answer my question!" I demanded.

"You heard me? I can speak again?" joy quickly flooded her face, and in my moment of surprise, she was able to pull her arm from my grip and squeeze me into a hug.

I stood dumbfounded for a moment and then quickly realised what was happening.

I grabbed the back of her dirty white collar and ripped her off me, throwing her to the ground.

"Don't you dare touch me, you piece of filth!"

"I-I'm sorry" she squeaked, cowering below me.


I scowled at her as she lay on the ground, and felt my body begin to tingle with excitement at the thought of slamming my perfectly polished boot into her stupid face.

After today, she would only be a faint memory.

I raised my foot and aimed my heel at her face.

"P-please leave h-her alone" an old raspy voice begged from behind me.

"Shut up old man," I said, not bothering to turn around. "Do you even know who I am? I am the one who with only a single word could force you to cut the grass with a butter knife instead. My aunt despises you, and so do I."

"P-please, then. Kick me in-nstead, young m-man. I'm old, I've lived m-my life!" he cried.

"Don't feel left out old man, if you keep making such a loud ruckus, once I've done with this thing, I'll kick you too" I sneered.


"I said shut up!" I screamed, cracking my neck around to glare at him. "You utter one more word, and I'll get my aunt to lock you in the room!"

I turned back to the cowering waste of air below me and was pleased to find the old man had stopped talking.

"Mashiro, are you ready to die?" I said.

It was a rhetorical question, and I really didn't care for her answer.

I raised my boot to her face and was about to finish the job, when all of a sudden my muscles locked up.

I tried to kick her again, and my leg seemed to lock in place once more.

Scowling at it, I tried for a final time. This time, instead of my leg locking up, guilt surged throughout my whole body. What on earth was going on??

I tried to force my leg down, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't.

All of a sudden I found myself tackled to the ground. Thomas was pushing me down while Sean was standing above us.

"*cough* luna *cough*" Thomas spluttered.

"Get off me, dumbass!" I yelled, shoving him away from me.

"Sorry, Aaron, but we couldn't let you hurt the uh... *cough* luna."

"So you go to hurt me instead? If you're so concerned why don't you hurt her for me then, huh?" I exclaimed, sitting up from the ground.

"Because she's my luna!" he growled.

"Wait what?"

My brows furrowed together, quickly realising what was happening. These two idiots were claiming that Mashiro was the bloody luna!

Jumping up quickly, I grabbed Thomas and Sean by the collars and began to drag them away. Ignoring their protests I pulled them into the orphanage building and under the stairwell.

"I want both of you to tell me right now what makes you think that mutt is my mate" I growl.


Okay, so there is an alpha who is decided by the moon goddess. The Luna is also decided by the moon goddess. These two are mated FOR LIFE. The second in command is the beta, and then the Omega. The rest are just pack wolves or rogues (wolves without a pack). The wolves in the pack say that the luna is theirs, just like they say the alpha is theirs. Like if you were British you'd say Queen Elizabeth was your queen. You can deny a mate so that you are unbonded, and you have to go through a proper mating ritual to be fully mated. Rogues are pretty much either runaways or really really evil wolves that are anti-people and kidnap children.

sorry for the delay, 

have a good day/night

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