25. Moon

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Chapter 25 ~ Moon

Branch after branch after branch. I pulled myself up the tree with trembling arms, all the while begging to myself that Brittany would come back to life. The higher I climbed the heavier I felt, my arms ached and were willing to give out at any second. I could not bear to look down at the monsters below me, for I couldn't stand to see her blood smeared all over their stupid grinning faces. I let out a whine, and let go of the branch I was holding to wipe away unwanted tears. I stumbled back and quickly lost my balance, letting out a pained scream as I grabbed the branch at the last second to save me from falling into the pile of snarling wolves. Even though I saw no more point in continuing, I had to stay alive. Her last words were the only thing I could hold on to, to keep myself from going insane. She told me to stay safe. Through the stream of tears, I managed to look up the tree I had been climbing. I was almost at the top, and near the top, there was a fork where I could sit and wait for the night to be over.

I reached for another branch and pulled myself higher, catching the bleeding gash in my foot on a small branch. I yelped in pain and reached down, grabbing the branch now lodged in my open wound. Leaves from the branch stuck into my flesh and I bit back a scream. The wolves began to roar with excitement as my blood dripped down to them with a splash. A big grey wolf began to jump up and claw at the tree trunk. Following suit, the big dogs began scratching and jumping at the tree and clawing at the bark. I tried to pull the branch out, and after a moment of struggle, it finally slid out of my foot. Blood covered the branch and began to drip more profusely from my foot. I whimpered in pain but kept going. I was so close to the refuge of the tree fork, and once I was there I could finally stop to rest. Lifting my good foot up and pushing it against the tree trunk I reached for the branch above me and hoisted myself up. Just one more branch to climb till I reached safety. I grabbed the branch above my head, and tried the same method once more, but found, to my horror, that the branch was higher than the one I had just climbed. I lost my footing and once more found myself dangling above the mob of bloodthirsty killers. I felt a scream in the back of my throat as I kicked my legs aimlessly through the air. The wolves, sensing my struggle, began to growl and roar in anticipation, waiting for the moment when my arms would fail, and I would be sent down to where their hungry jaws could receive me.

"Stay safe"

Her voice echoed through my head, forcing me to not give up. Biting my tongue, to hold off another onslaught of tears, I shimmied my way across the branch I was dangling from, and made my way to the trunk of the tree. From there, I slowly reached to the trunk, and wrapped my arms around it, clinging on for dear life. What was my next move? I couldn't let myself fall. I had to get to the fork. My eyes caught sight of another nearby branch that was a little lower than the one I almost fell from. I twisted my way around the trunk and lunged for it. Pulling myself up quickly, I stepped over knobs and leaves, and finally made it to my refuge. I sat myself down into the fork and brought my knees to my chest. My body trembled uncontrollably, and whether it was from fear or the cold, I wasn't sure. The wolves began to howl, and the picture of my only friends remains flashed before my eyes. I began to cry again, and this time couldn't stop myself. My cries turned into howls, which mixed in with the beasts sounds below me. I shook and hiccuped, unable to grasp a sense of reality. My tears didn't stop, and quickly turned into rivers pouring from my eyes. I sobbed harder than I ever had, and didn't stop, even after my eyes started burning, and I could hardly breathe. Through my weeping, I looked up through a clearing in the leaves above me and took a glimpse of a full moon. Swollen faced, and puffy eyed, I gazed at it and begged its attention, hoping it could hear my silent cries. Please, I begged, my sobs quieting. Bring me back Brittany. I don't want her dead, I want her alive! I let out a pained whine and rubbed my stinging eyes.

I wish I could just run away, and be free of this all. I knew Brittany could never come back alive again. I didn't want to be alone anymore. I wanted to join Brittany wherever she was, but she told me to stay safe. I guess that meant staying alive for as long as I could.

Please just let me stay alive through this I whimpered to the moon.

Soon dizziness began to flood my vision. My foot hadn't stopped bleeding and instead was getting worse. It had stopped hurting once I sat down, and now it only throbbed with each heartbeat. The world quickly began to spin around me faster than ever before and soon I couldn't keep up with it. Black spots danced in my vision and then everything went black.

!double update!

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