13. Blood and Anger

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Chapter 13 ~ Blood and Anger

Aaron's P.O.V

I slammed my fist into the hard scratchy bark of the tree, but once again, it didn't even move. This only built to my frustration. Anger swelled within my chest and there was nothing I could do to control it. Usually I would grab Thomas or Sean and we would go beat up stupid Mashiro, but lately she had been boring me, and even increasing my anger, rather than diminishing it.

I punched the tree again, but it didn't budge. Blood trickled down my knuckles, but I continued to take all my frustration out on that tree. Fury clouded my vision and all I could see was red.

In the distance I heard someone call my name, but I ignored them. I kept pounding my fists into the tree. Blood dripped onto the dirt below me but I kept going.


My name was called more harshly this time, but I didn't stop.

All of a sudden someone grabbed my shoulder so I swung my arm round and connected my fist with their face.

Their head swung back and a loud crack sounded.

My eyes widened when I saw who it was.

"O-oh my god. Aunty.. I'm so sorry I didn't mean-"

"-you ungrateful little piece of trash!" Aunt Litch shrieked, blood pouring from her nose and spraying from her mouth.

I began to tremble in fear as she swiped the blood from her face and glowered down at me. She grabbed my collar and lifted me up, shaking me several times.

"All I wanted to do was let you know you can beat up Masara again, but obviously this is how you want to thank me! You're sleeping outside tonight, boy!" she screamed.

Internally, I let out a sigh of relief. I actually enjoyed sleeping outside. It was more like home than this orphanage could ever be. But externally I put on a terrified face.

"Please Aunty Litch! Don't make me sleep outside!" I begged, knowing this would make her more excited to execute her punishment.

"Okay I won't. I'll make you sleep in the forest! And don't even think about coming onto the property you ungrateful waste of money!" she shrieked, her face turning bright red. This caused her nose to bleed even more, and blood began cascading down her face and onto her white blazer.

"And if you speak again, I'll triple your punishment! I can't believe your parents burdened me with you, just to run off to Italy like stupid rich kids!"

With this she threw me to the floor and stormed away. I heard her loud heels clop onto the cement veranda, before the door slammed shut. I rested my head on the dirt below me and shut my eyes, letting out a deep breath.

Old lady Litch was a wicked woman, and an evil Aunt. The only time she was ever proud of me was when I made mashiro bleed. But she and i could both agree on one thing. My parents were atrocious.

Seven years ago, when I was four, my parents dumped me on Aunt Litch's doorstep, begging for her to take me in. They said they were poor and desperate, and wanted me to have the best life possible. They said they couldn't give that to me in the financial state they were in, but she could. They claimed that once they started earning money again, they would send her some of it, to pay her back for supporting me. But three days after this happened, Aunt Litch said she got a notification on facebook. They had just checked into the Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport in Italy and said they were so happy to start their new life. They even claimed to have bought one of the most expensive manors there and their most recent post was of their new family. They had three baby girls, and a lad about five years younger than me. To this day, it still filled me with rage thinking about it. Was i not good enough?

I opened my eyes to the bright blue sky above me and frowned. Why was it so darn happy?!

I really wanted to punch something.

"Aaron!" a high pitched wail called. "We were looking all over for you!"

I turned my head to the side to see Kiara running down the veranda steps, with Brittany in tow. She had a huge smile on her face and began to giggle.

"Aaron, what are you doing on the ground? You'll get dirt all over your shirt! Hey, that rhymes! Dirt and shirt!"

I sat up and glared at her. Now, these two girls I was rightfully angry at.

"You... you have no right to come up to me, all happy and giggly like that! I've been waiting for over a bloody month for you both to finish your plan! How long do i have to sit here waiting Kiara?! Britt?!" I yelled. In this moment I felt much older. It was as though I was my Aunt, and the girls were me.

Her smile instantly faded away and she sat down on the ground beside me.

"Aaron, I-I didn't mean to anger you" she purred.

A loud grumble thundered in my chest. Brittany's eyes widened and she hit the annoying brat on the side of her head.

"Tomorrow!" Kiara cried. "It's happening tomorrow!"

As soon as she said this, a pained expression formed on Britt's face.

"It better happen tomorrow. I'm not waiting any longer for it. If you're lying to me, you can both join her in her punishment" i growled.


The moon glowed on the horizon and the evening due had long since set in. I stepped into the dark gloomy forest and began walking forward. All around me I heard creatures shuffling. A nervous buzz began to build up all around me and i grinned. They knew that I was coming.

Standing in a clearing, I stood patiently. Soon enough, out from the forest came seven grey oversized wolves.

surprise! you get an Aaron pov

not expecting that, were you?

so.. what do you think of him?

next chapter: back to our main 
character mashiro's pov

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


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