Chapter 2: going home

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Caitlin's POV

It's a week after the accident and the hospital is finally allowing me to go home. Every thing seems normal but I still don't remember exactly what happened that night.

"Ready to go?" Barry asked holding a duffle bag of my cloths.

"Yeah, here let me take that." I said going to grab the bag.

"It's fine I got it." Barry said holding it over his head. Usually this wouldn't bother me. I would laugh, but for some reason I felt mad that he is teasing me.

I didn't say anything I just rolled my eye. I didn't roll them playfully, I rolled them as though I was pissed off.

"Hey, sorry, didn't realize-" he stopped himself.

"Didn't realize what?" I asked sharply.

"Never mind." He said shaking his head.

I don't like fighting with Barry, actually I hate when we fight, but for some reason I want to keep the argument going. Luckily, I fought against this feeling and let it go.

"Alright let's go." I said happily and grabbed his hand.

"Whoa, your hands are freezing." He said a bit taken back.

"Sorry?" I said not knowing how to respond.

"Do you feel alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"You look pale." He said concerned.

I shrugged my shoulders"It's probably just from being stuck here for so long, that's all."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"I always am." I teased

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He playfully pushed me over ever so lightly.

"Man, did you forget to hit the gym?" I asked playfully pushing him to the side.

"I didn't forget. I've been here with you for the past week." He said pulling me into him.

"I'm not sure why they kept me here so long. I was fine after a day or two."

"They just wanted you to be safe, that's all"

"Yeah, I know." I told him. "So how bad is the car?"

"You're not even out of the hospital and you're already worried  about the car?" He teased. "Well, there is a lot of damage. Honestly I don't think they can repair it, and even if they could I don't think we can afford to get it fixed."

"Would it be cheaper to just get a new one?" I asked

"I'm not sure. I'm still waiting to hear back from the mechanic. But my guess is that we will need to get a new one. It's just so messed up from the water."

I took a deep breath and sighed.

"Don't worry, it will all work out." Barry reassured. He pulled me into a hug.

"I know it will." I said into his chest.

We got home and I dropped the bag of cloths next to the door. I took a big breath in and said "home sweet home."

Barry chuckled a bit and I sat on the couch. "Finally, I'm home."

Barry came over and sat next to me. I laid down and rested my head in his lap and looked up to him. "Remember our first date; not the one where I got wasted and sang, but the real one?"

"Of course. I took you out to the sushi place, then we came back here and we watched a movie."

"We watched grease because of the song we sang together and you wanted to tease me."

"Yeah, but we both fell asleep before the song even came on." He smiled.

"Yeah." I said smiling. "I love you, Barry Allen."

"I love you, Caitlin Snow."

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