Chapter 11: revenge

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Caitlin's POV

I could feel myself getting sucked deeper into the darkness by the minute. My hair was now completely white and my lips and eyes are icy blue. The longer I'm alone the less I could feel, and that's exactly what I want. If I can't feel anything at all that means I can't feel hurt, fear, or emotional pain... Or love.

I know that my love for Barry is the only thing stopping me from becoming nothing but evil. But with every passing hour that love is fading.

I have a plan, but a dangerous one. And I know exactly how I'm going to do it.

Barry's POV

"Cisco, we need to do something. Can you track her some how?" I asked.

"No, her phone is powered off."

"Well we can't just sit here and watch her throw her life away. It's been three days and we've haven't gotten any closer to finding her."

"Barry, I know and we are doing everything we can" he said. "Wait, I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"I don't know if it will work or not but what if I could vibe her." Cisco suggest.

"I thought you need to be touching her to do that?"

"I thought that too but what if you get me something of hers. Something important."

"This could work. I'll be right back" I said and ran out of the cortex back to the apartment.

I searched the apartment for something of hers with sentimental value. I ran into the bedroom and remember a necklace of hers. It was a gift from her brother before he passed away. It was the last gift he ever gave her. It was a small heart-shaped locket with a picture of them in it.

I started looking through the box of jewelry she has and finally found it. I picked it up and ran back to the lab.

"Here, if anything will work it would be this." I said handing Cisco the locket.

As soon as the necklace touched his hand Cisco's face went blank. It was working.

After about a minute or two Cisco came out of the vibe.

"What did you see?" I asked him.

"I know where she is." He said.

"Great where is she." I asked excitedly.

"Barry, she- she isn't Caitlin. She is full- on killer frost."

"It doesn't matter we could bring her back."

"Barry, I-" Cisco began.

"Where is she!" I yelled angrily.

"She found where zoom is. She is about to leave to confront him"

"Cisco, you need to tell me where she is. We can't let her do this."

"She is in an abandoned coal mine about thirty miles out of the city." 

With that I took off and ran to the mine. When I arrived I stopped in front of the entrance when I saw Caitlin. She was wearing a dark corset like top and a long coat with studded shoulders and a short skirt with tall, thy-high high heal boots.

She must have been about to leave to find zoom. When she saw me she stopped.

"What are you doing here?" She asked coldly.

"Nice to see you too" I said sarcastically.

"Why are you here?" She rolled her eyes.

"I know you're going to find zoom."

"How do you know that?" She asked.

"Cisco vibed you" I told her.

"Oh, so what, now you are stalking me?"

"Caitlin, we are-"

"My name is killer frost" she told me in a demanding voice.

"You're name is Caitlin, and we want you to come home."

"I need to find zoom" she said walking away.

"I'm not going to let that happen." I said grabbing her wrist.

"First, you'll need to catch me." With that she used her powers to creat a bridge-like path she could glide across. She pushed herself with her powers and she was going almost as fast as I could run.

"You have to be kidding me" I started running after her but she was able to use her powers to make the path go into the air.

She continued to make the path but she twisted swiftly around trees and other obstacles. Before long I couldn't see her but is tried to follow the trail of ice. But she was smart and knew not to stay in a straight line. Even after she knew I lost her she continued to move around trees and overlap her path so I would get twisted around trying to follow her.

"Cisco she is gone. But I was able to put the tracking device on her coat."

"Alright. Wait this can't be right. It says she already reached the city. She can't be going that fast." I heard him say.

"Well, actually she could. She is making an ice path thing and using her powers to propel herself forward."

"Woah, that's sick!" He said excitedly.

"Cisco, focus. Where is she."

"Ok, she stopped at an old warehouse."

As I was running Cisco told me the address. When I arrived I saw Caitlin was able to freeze zooms feet to the ground so he couldn't run.

"You did this to me! You turned me into an uncontrollable monster!" She yelled coldly at him.

Zoom just laughed, "and I thought killing you would be fun. Instead I turned you into you worst nightmare."

She used her powers to make an icicle and she held it up to his chest. "I'm going to kill you for what you did to me."

I couldn't watch the woman I love do this. If she kills him there is no coming back from that.

"Caitlin, stop!" I yelled.

She groaned and ignored me. She pulled her hand back to stab him when I yelled again," Caitlin! Caitlin, listen to me. If you do this there is no coming back from this."

"That's what I want."

"No, it's not. You're scared. I know that. But you could come home. If you kill him you wouldn't be able to live with yourself." I tried to convince her.

"We'll see about that." Before I could say anything else she lifted her arm and forcefully stabbed him in the chest with the icicle.

She smiled when she heard the pain filled groan that escaped from zooms mouth.
"Finally, you get what you deserve."

"Caitlin-" I couldn't finish. I can't believe she actually killed him.

"I told you: that's not my name."

"I see that now." And I ran back to the lab.

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