Chapter 27: training

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Caitlin's POV

"Hit harder." Barry told me as I was punching his hands.

I hit as hard as I could, but I still wasn't strong  enough. "I'm trying."

"Try harder." He told me.

I dropped my hands. Barry has been training me for over two weeks and the only thing we have learned is basic fighting skills.  "I thought I would be learning how to use my powers. Not doing whatever this is." I wiped my sweaty forehead with a towel.

"You will. But you need to learn hand to hand combat skills too."

"Why, you didn't know anything about fighting when you became the flash." I asked.

"Yeah, and look how many times I got my ass handed to me. Now, try to punch me." He told me.

"I'm not going to hit you, Barry." I told him.

"You won't hurt me. Just try to punch me."

I lifted my arm and got into the fighting stance he showed me earlier. I went to punch him lightly but he leaned to the left and dodged it. I lifted my left hand this time and went to punch him but he dodged it again. I continued to try to punch him, but every time  he dodged it.  As I continue missing I got angrier and angrier, so I began punching harder and faster. This time when I went to punch him he blocked my hand.

"Calm down. Don't get angry." He told me.

I wiped the top of my head with my arm "I'm calm." I lied. "Let's go." I said as I extended my arm out to hit him.

Again he stopped my fist and I used my other hand to punch him, but he stopped me again. One last time I tried to punch him but this time he grabbed my arm and flipped me into my back and I landed on the cold mats.

The wind was knocked out of me and I tried to get up but Barry stood over me. He was about to open his mouth to say something when I hit the back of his knees causing him to fall to the ground.

"I guess I deserved that." He said laying next to me.

"Yes, you did." I looked over to him "can we please practice using my powers?" I asked. "I'm supposed to go with Felicity and Iris

"Fine, but not for long. We need to get home anyway." He said.

"Finally." I said as I stood up.

He stood up and walked into a small closet and pulled out a large cardboard box with a target painted on it. "You were planning on doing this the whole time, weren't you?" I asked as he set the box on the other side of the room.

"Yep. Now all you're going to do is stand there and use your powers to shoot icicles into the box, aiming for the target."

I pulled my hands back and the white most began radiating off them. I pushed my hands forward with as much force as I could and two icicles flew and hit the dead center of the target. I stood tall with confidence and looked over at Barry.

"Alright, impressive." He said with his eyebrows raised.

"Remember, I'm not using my powers for the first time, I was evil a few weeks ago." I laughed

"Well, now you need to learn to use your powers for good." He said seriously

"Come on, bear, lighten up a bit." I said as I poked his side.

"Now is not the time to joke around, Caitlin."

I poked his side again "it's always the right time to joke around." I laughed

He tried to give me a serious look but couldn't keep a straight face. "Caitlin, I'm serious."

"You don't look very serious." I playfully pushed him to the side.

"Fine, we are done training." He said as he began to walk away.

"No. No, we are not." I said walking quickly to catch up with him.

"If you're not going to take this seriously than neither will I."

"I will freeze your feet, so you can't leave ."

He stopped walking and turned to me "you wouldn't." He dared

"Oh really." I pulled my hands back and used my powers to freeze his feet to the ground.

He looked at me shocked before vibrating his body, shattering the ice around his feet. He began running around the training area and I tried shooting him with ice.

"You're to slow." He said behind me. I turned around quickly and tried shooting him but missed again. "Missed again." He said. I turned to my left and looked at him. Right before I was going to hit him with the ice he ran and knocked me over, but I grabbed his arm, pulling him down with me.

We both laid there on the ground "You do not play fair!"

"I didn't realize there were rules I was supposed to follow."

"Touché" I said.

"I still can't believe you actually tried to freeze my feet to the ground so I couldn't leave." He laughed.

"I didn't try I did." I corrected.

"So, did you come up with a name yet?" He asked

"I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it's 'Cisco approved yet." I joked "you know him and his nicknames"

He got up and put his hand out to help me up. "Now, back to training. This time no goofing off."

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