Chapter 8: No more hiding the truth

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Barry's POV

I helped Caitlin up off the floor. She smiled and kissed my cheek. I threw my shirt in the garbage knowing I wouldn't be able to remove the blood. She walked out of the bathroom and I followed. She walked into the kitchen and sat on top of the island.

"Haven't you ever heard that tables are made for glasses not for-" I began to tease her before she cut me off.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard it a thousand times," she smiled.

I kissed her softly. She rested her arms on my shoulders and around my neck. I cupped my hand around her left cheek and the other around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

I pulled away and ran my finger lightly over the new cut on her forehead. "That doesn't look good."

"I'm sure that it's nothing." She shrugged.

I laughed and said, "do you want me to put a band-aid on it?"

"If it will make you feel any better." She smiled.

I let go of her waist and walked over the cabinet above the sink. I opened it and found a small first aid kit. I grabbed the kit and walked back to Caitlin.

I put the kit on the island next to where she was sitting and opened it. I grabbed some Neosporin and a band-aid. I put a little of the Neosporin on my index finger and lightly spread it across the wounded area on her forehead.

She started to giggle when I put the medicine on her cut. "What's so funny?" I asked 

"Nothing, it's just I'm usually doing the doctoring in this relationship."

"Well, how am I doing for my first time?" I smiled as I began to peel the paper off the back of the band-aid.

"Not to shabby" she smiled.

"Oh yeah? Well what could I do to be better." I laid the bandage across the cut on her head.

"Kiss me." She said with a flirtatious smile.

I smiled and she put her hands around my cheeks and pulled me in for a kiss. The kiss was soft but felt... Different. I didn't feel like I was kissing Caitlin.

I pulled away and she looked at me a little worried,"is everything okay?"

I looked her in the eyes but I didn't see Caitlin. Her eyes were still brown but lighter and they have small specks of blue scattered throughout them.
I took a step back and she got worried and slid off the table.
"Barry, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing. I just got a-little dizzy, that's all." I said walking back over to her.

I put my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. She looked up at me smiling and  said, " my kiss will do that to a man."

"Alright." I said leaning back down to kiss her.

This time it felt right. it felt like kissing Caitlin. The kiss was long, passionate. I moved my hands from her waist to her hair and back to her waist again. We stayed like this for a few minutes before the feeling of something being different or wrong came back. Only this time it wasn't just a feeling I had in my stomach, this time I could feel it. Her lips turned cold. Ice cold. The coldness only lasted about a half a second, but it was there and would periodically  reoccur.

I pulled away, this time slower, more naturally. We both smiled at each other.

"Do you want me to make you anything for breakfast?" I asked her with her still in my arms.

"I don't know. Do you want to go out?"

"Sure. Today we we'll do anything you want."

She kissed me for a second then said, "alright then get ready."

I ran at super speed and came back before she could blink with my hair done and new clothes on.

"I wish I could get ready that fast." She said starting to walk towards the room.

Before she could say anything I picked her up and in super speed I changed her out off her Pj's and into a nice top and pants.

She looked down and examined the clothes she was now in. "Not bad ,Allen"

I smiled feeling proud, "thanks"

"But I have to ask 'did you sneak a peek.'" She said pointing her finger at me.

I laughed and said, " wouldn't be the first time you asked me that."

She tilted her head slightly. "What are you talking about."

"Oh yeah, you probably don't remember. Remember the night we went to that karaoke bar and you got super drunk and sang summer nights?"

"I was not 'super' drunk!" She punched my arm. "But, no I don't really remember that night. I just remember singing. But I really, really wish I didn't"

"Well, anyway, when I brought you back home you had some... Difficulties getting your dress off so I used super speed to change you into your pjs. And you asked me 'if I took a peak at your goods'."

Her face got red "I'm so sorry." She started laughing "I really wish you didn't tell me that."

"Sorry. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah. Wait, no. I'm not going out with a band-aid on my forehead." She said as she walked over to the garbage can and peeled off her bandage.

When she turned around the band-aid was gone, but so was the cut.

"Alright, now I'm ready." She smiled.

"Caitlin, are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She asked confused.

"Well,um, your cut. It healed almost as fast as it would have if I got cut."

She tilted her head slightly and opened her phone. When I saw her look into the camera of her phone her mouth opened wide in shock and she ran her finger across the spot where the cut was.
"How-" she looked back up at me.

I could tell she wasn't telling me something. "Cait, what are you not telling me?"

"Barry, I- I should have told you earlier." She began.

"Tell me what?" I was beginning to get mad, I could tell that whatever she is hiding it is big.

"Barry, I have powers."

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