Chapter 30: thank you

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Barry's POV

We stood at Caitlin's mothers grave. Caitlin stood silently with her head down a few steps in from of me. When she looked back at me I could see black streams of makeup running down her face. She fell to he knees and began sobbing. I ran over and kneeled down next to her. "She was the only family I had left!" I pulled her into a tight embrace, rubbing her back as she cried into my chest.

I felt a few drops of water hit me. I looked up and saw how dark the sky was. Before I knew it the sky opened up and it began pouring rain, but Caitlin didn't move.

"Caitlin, we have to go." I said softly.

"No!" She cried. "I can't." She stayed sitting in the mud.

"I know it's hard, and I know how bad it hurts right now, but it will get better." I told her. The rain was so loud in order to hear each other we were basically shouting.

"Barry, I can't leave." She looked up at me. "I won't"

Instead of pushing her to leave I sat back down in the mud with her. "You don't have to stay." She said.
"I want to." I told her.

We sat for what felt like hours in the rain at her mothers grave, but the only thing that matters is that Caitlin isn't alone.

We were both soaking wet and I felt Caitlin shivering. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. She looked at me and smiled. "Thank you, but aren't you cold?"

"It doesn't matter." I told her "I would rather you be warm."

She smiled again before standing up. Her dark hair was wet and had a tangled wavy texture and she was covered in mud. I stood up and grabbed her hand. She looked at me and smiled and I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back for a second then pulled away, leaving everything except our lips touching. "How could you kiss me? I'm a mess."
"Like this." I said before kissing her again. I could feel her smile. We both pulled away and she hugged me. "Thank you." She said.
"For what?" I asked.
"Everything. For not leaving me alone, for believing in me when I didn't even believe in myself, just for being here. Even after all these bad thing I've done to you and brought into your life."
"Caitlin, I love you and I would never leave you, I will always believe in you, and I will always be here for you, And nothing, and I mean nothing you could do would change that. The only thing you have brought into my life is happiness, and I wouldn't change it for the world."

Guys next chapter is the last chapter. I want to thank all I've you guys. I can't believe this story have 3k reads and I'm so so grateful that you have read this far.

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