Chapter 19: setting plans

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Barry's POV

When I walked into the front door Caitlin was in the kitchen getting stuff ready for dinner.
"Barry?" She called out.
"Yeah, it's me!" I told her as I closed the door behind me.

I walked into the kitchen where she was. "Hey." She smiled. "How was your day?"

"Great!" I told her.

"You made it sound like you were going to come back to the lab today after you left." She said turning to face me.

"Yeah, I had every intention to come back, but I had a lot more stuff I had to do than I originally expected." I said, still smiling.

"You know, for a man who had a bunch of work to do today you seem surprisingly happy." She tilted her head.

"Who said it was work," I said with a smile. "and no amount of work can stop me from being happy right now." I said as I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Why's that?" She asked.

"Because you're finally home." I kissed her cheek.

She turned to face me. I still had my arms wrapped around her. She put her cheek on my chest and wrapped her arms around me and I used one of my hands to play with the loose waves in her hair. "I'm so happy I'm home." She said smiling.

"Actually, about that." I started, purposefully sounding worried.

She quickly lifted her head off my chest and looked at me worryingly. "What?"

"I was thinking we should go away for the weekend." I smiled. "For our anniversary."

"Barry!" She slapped my arm. "You had me worried!"

"Sorry, but what do you think?" I laughed.

"I don't know. How long would you want to go?" She asked.

"Just Friday to Monday." I told her. "We will leave Friday morning."

"Am I really able to miss more work? I mean-" she began but I cut her off "yep, I already looked into it."

She squinted her eyes," you really have this all figured out don't you?"

"Yep! So what do you think?" I asked. I could tell she was probably going to say yes.

She sighed "where do you even want to go?"

"The beach." I told her.

"Barry, there is a beach in central city, why do you want to leave the city and have to pay for a hotel?" She asked.

"Caitlin, the beaches in central city aren't exactly the nicest things in the world, besides the car ride is only about an hour."

She dropped her shoulders and said "fine we could go."

I smiled and hugged her again. "You know I think you are the only woman on earth I have to argue with to get to go on a vacation."

She pulled herself out of my arms and looked up at me and held both her hands up "don't make me freeze your mouth shut." She playfully threatened.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said as I kissed the top of her head. "Now we got to start packing."

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