Chapter 28: the perfect dress

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Caitlin's POV

Barry and I were eating breakfast; he made eggs and bacon. "So what do you have planed for the day?" He asked.

"Well, I'm meeting with Felicity's and Iris at jitters for around eleven and going dress shopping then going for lunch. I think Oliver is coming into the city too, maybe you and him could hang out today."

"Yeah, It's been forever since I've seen Oliver." He thought for a second "I haven't even really talked to him much since laurel's funeral."

"For any specific reason?" I asked him curiously.

"No, we are just busy people, you know."

I nodded my head and took a sip of my phone dinged and I got a text from Felicity. "Who's that?" Barry asked

"Oh, it's just Felicity. She will be in the city in about an hour."

"Oh, ok." He said.

I stood up and sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck "are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He asked "I have the most beautiful woman sitting on my lap and in three weeks she is going to be mine forever." He smiled.

I put my hands and his cheeks and kissed him. "I love you, Allen." I said pulling away from the kiss

"I love you too, snow."

Felicity, Iris, and I got our coffee at Jitters and sat down. "So, I hear you are not only getting married, but becoming a superhero." Felicity said.

"Shhh, keep your voice down." I told her. "But yes, I am."

"Guys, why are we taking about her powers when she is getting married?" Iris smiled.

"Good question." Felicity said looking over at Iris "so where are you guys going for your honey moon?" Felicity raised an eyebrow.

"We were thinking Greece or Italy." I told them. "I want to go to Greece but Barry wants to go to Italy, he thinks the plane  ride to Greece is to long."

"What a baby." Iris laughed.

"I don't know, Italy seems cool." Felicity said.

"Yeah, but it's Greece." I laughed

"I can't argue with that." Iris agreed and laughed

I walked out of the dressing room and both Iris and Felicity gasped. "That is the one!" Felicity said excitedly

The dress was a pure white ball gown style dress. It was strapless and had a lace up back. On the top it was strategically placed beading that feathers down the skirt.

"You look amazing!" Iris shrieked.

"Do you really think so?" I asked looking in the mirror. I did a small turn and the dress elegantly spun around.

This was the first dress we all agreed on. We have been to four bridal shops and in every other one none of us could agree

I took one more final glance before making my decision "this is the one." I said.

We just finished purchasing the dress and were walking out to my car when I got a call from Barry. When I answered Barry was talking very quickly and nervously "Caitlin, You need to get here, now."

"What's going on?" I asked nervously

"It's your mother. She is in the hospital, it's serious."

"Oh my god. Okay I'll be right there."

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