Chapter 18: I promise

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Barry's POV

Caitlin and I sat as I held her in my arms. She laid her head on my shoulder as I played with her hair. We stayed like this for a while until eventually I asked, "are you ready to go back upstairs?"

She shook her head, "no, I have to stay here, I have some work I need to get caught up on."

"Are you sure? You just got back, I think the work could wait a little longer."

She pulled herself out of my arms. "As much as I would like to stay here and cuddle all day we both have work that needs to be done."

I groaned in defeat, "alright." I didn't say anything else but I was secretly happy that she decided to stay here to work because I have a few things I need to take care of.

I kissed her on top of the head and ran back up to the cortex. When I got up there Cisco and Caitlin's mother were both quiet. Cisco sat at the computers typing and Emily stood awkwardly in the corner inspecting some of Cisco's unfinished gadgets.

"Hey, guys." I said, awkwardly trying to break the silence.

"Hey!" Cisco jumped up, obviously happy to have someone else in the room.

I walked over to Caitlin's mother, "hey, um- can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Why? Is something wrong?" She asked worried.

"No, no, but it's kinda important."

"Sure." She said, then started walking hesitantly towards the hall.

When we got outside to the hall I made sure we were far enough that Cisco couldn't hear, Then I made sure Caitlin wasn't coming.

"Barry, what's this about?" She asked almost sounding annoyed.

I pulled out a small, black box. "I want to propose to Caitlin. And I wanted to as for your permission." After a moment of her not saying anything I continued. "I know you two haven't had the best relationship, but I thought that it was only right to ask you."

She waited another moment before saying, "how much do you love her?"

"With all my heart. I would do anything for her." I told her.

"You're a good man, Barry. Caitlin is lucky to have you in her life," She smiled. "And I would be more than happy to call you family." She pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I smiled.

She put her hands on my shoulders, "No, thank you. I know how much you love her," she took a deep breath."and I know that when I'm gone you will take care of her."

"Dr. Snow-"

"Barry, please, we both know how sick I am. Just promise me you will take care of her."

"I promise."

Later that day

I walked into the precinct, "hey, have you seen Joe?" I asked one of the passing officers

"He should be over at his desk." He said and quickly walked out the door.

I walked over to his desk with a big smile.

"Hey, bear." He said. "You seem happier than usual."

"Joe, I'm going to propose to Caitlin." I smiled.

He looked at me for a second before he stood up and smiled. "I'm so proud of you, son. So when do you plan on asking the big question?"

"Well, our anniversary is coming up next week so I was thinking about taking her away for the weekend and asking her then." I told him.

"That's great!" He smiled. "I really am so happy for you."

"Thanks, Joe."

"Ah, come here kid." He said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Do you want to see the ring?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I want to see the ring! What kind of question is that?"

I pulled out the small box and opened it. "Oh bear, it's beautiful."

"It was my mothers." I told him

"You're parents would be so proud of the man you've grown into." He said

"Thanks. I really wish they could see this." I said sadly

"I know." He put his hand on my shoulder. "But trust me, they would be more than proud of you." He pulled me into a hug again. "Now, I think you have a special woman you need to go talk to."

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