Chapter 31: happy endings

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The church doors open and Caitlin began walking down the aisle in her beautiful white dress. Her hair was half up half down and curled. Her makeup was done to perfection with her eyes being the perfect mix of Warm Browns to give a natural beauty look and her lips were painted the faintest shade of red.

Her and Barry stood, both with the biggest smiles plastered to their faces. Neither of them were listening to the minister until it came for the vows.

"Caitlin, when we first met I never would have thought that I would be making you my wife. I was in love with my childhood best friend and you were still grieving the loss of your fiancé. But I'm so happy things worked out the way they did, because I wouldn't want it any other way. Caitlin, you showed me what it really means to love. You showed me my best self and without you I don't know what I would be. Around you I feel safe, like no matter what happens we've each other. I love you and that will never change and I promise To love and honor you until death due us part."

"I was in the darkest time in my life. I was always sad and it got to the point where I didn't want to live anymore, and then you woke up and somehow everything changed. From the moment you woke up I knew things would be different. You showed me how to smile again and what it was like to genuinely laugh. You taught me to loosen up a little and how to have fun, but you also showed me that I didn't have to be guarded, that I didn't need to constantly have this wall blocking me from my feeling and the rest of the world. You showed me that it's ok to cry, to laugh, to be afraid. Without you I might not have been alive today. I promise to love and honor you until death do us part."

"The rings?" The minister called out.
Felicity and Cisco jumped up and brought up the rings.
They put the rings in each other's fingers and the minister announced "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

They both smiled and kissed each other never wanting this feeling to go away. The crowed cheered and they pulled away and smiled.

2 years later.

"Congratulations mr. And Mrs. Allen, it's a girl. What will you name her?" The doctor asked as she gave Caitlin their baby.

Caitlin looked up and smiled at Barry "Nora, her name is Nora."

Barry smiled "she's beautiful, just like her mommy."

"She has your nose." Caitlin said smiling.

"She has your eyes." Barry said as he kissed the top of Caitlin's head "I love you both so much"

So guys that's the end of this story. Do you guys want another sequel or should I end it here? Basically if I do add another story to the series it will take place six years after the wedding. They have a daughter, Nora, and Caitlin is pregnant with their second child, Noah. She looses the baby and she falls into a deep depression. Her and Barry start fighting. She thinks the best option to save their relationship is to leave the city of a few days then come back home. But while she is gone she gets kidnapped by a government organizations that wants to use her to get the her daughter Nora. Nora is special because she is the only child that parents are both meta humans. So Barry needs to save her before its to late while at the same time keeping his daughter safe.
If you guys like this idea I'll make a sequel but if not I'll end the story here. Tell me in the comments what you want. (If I don't get any comments I'm probably not doing a sequel)

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