Chapter 24: wiped cream fights

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Caitlin's POV

Barry and I sat on the floor as he held me in his arms. "I'll get our stuff and we'll go." He said.

I thought for a minute "no."

"What?" He asked.

I looked at him "No, I'm not going to let this person ruin our weekend."

"Caitlin, it's ok, it's our last day anyway."

"I know, and we are staying."

"Cait..." He stopped and gave in "are you sure."

"Yes, I'm sure." I told him. "But thank you." I said putting my head on his chest.

"For what?" He asked.

"You were willing to pack up everything just to go back home because I over reacted."

"Cait, you did not over react. You were attacked, anyone would have done the same thing."

I didn't say anything I just smiled and kissed him. The kiss was short and sweet. I stood up and so did he.

"What do you want to do for our last day?" He asked me.

"I don't know. Something simple, like the beach." I told him.

I saw his face drop just the slightest. "What's wrong?" I asked him worried.

"Nothing." He lied

"Barry, talk to me." I begged

"I don't know... If I feel comfortable going out today. You know after what happened today." I told me.

I knew where he was coming from and I don't blame him for being nervous. "Alright. We don't have to go out."

"I don't want to stay here and do nothing all day, either." He whined

"You sound like a four year old." I joked. "And who said we had to do nothing" I winked.

He smiled and kissed me. He pulled away. "I'm going to run this man to the hospital." And he ran off with the man who attacked us.

I stood up and started making pancakes as I wait for Barry to get back. About ten minutes past and Barry ran through the door. "That took longer then usual." I said as I flipped the pancake.

"Yeah, I know." He said walking over to me. "Turns out when a man comes in with a frozen hand and a stab wound people have questions." He tried to joke.

I put my head down, ashamed of what I did.

"Caitlin, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that." He apologized.

"I know." I said.

He kissed my cheek and said, "this smells good. Need help with anything?"

"No, I'm just about done." I said,turning off the stove and sliding the last pancake on top of the pile of pancakes on the plate next to me.

He grabbed us both a plate and we sat down at the island. He cut a piece of the pancake and held the fork up to me and told me to take a bite.

"Barry," I tilted my head and smiled. "That is like the most cliche thing you have ever done."

He tilted his head and I have in "fine." I went to take a bite and he pulled the fork away and took the bite.

I slapped his arm and he said, "hey, I thought you didn't want it."

"You're a jerk, Barry Allen." I said taking a bite of my food.

"Only to you." He said sticking his finger in the wiped cream and putting it on my nose.

I laughed and took some of the wiped cream and rubbed a streak of it across his cheek. We both laughed and he stuck his finger in more wiped cream. Before he could put anymore in my face I stood up. "Hey, that was payback!" I laughed.

"Alright." He said wiping his finger on a napkin.

I squinted my eyes skeptically before sitting down again. Almost as soon as I sat down he grabbed a whole and full of wiped cream and rubbed it across my face. I sat with my jaw dropped then I stood up "Barry!" I yelled and he laughed. My entire left cheek and eyebrow is covered in wiped cream. I used my hand to wipe it off and I flicked it at him. "I can't believe you." I smiled. He chuckled and stood up. We were looking each other in the eyes and he said "you missed a spot." Before kissing me.

The kiss was long and passionate. He put his hand on my cheek then pulled away "I think I got it." He said before kissing me again.

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