Chapter 25: A Little Persuasion

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Barry's POV

We are on our way back home and Caitlin fell back asleep in the passenger seat. We were about twenty minutes away from the city when she started to wake up. "Are we almost home?" She asked groggily.

"Yeah." I told her.

"I thought you said the drive was only an hour? It feels like we've been in the car forever." She said stretching her arms

"Yeah, I only told you that so you would agree to come. And the ride isn't that bad, it's three hours." I told her.

"That's to long. Are we far enough I can go back to sleep?" She asked.

"No, we are twenty minutes away from home."

She groaned and sat up.

We walked into the apartment and Caitlin dropped her bags and opened her arms "ah, home sweet home."

"And you say I'm the dramatic one." I laughed.

"You are. And I'm not being dramatic." She said defensively.

"We have been gone for four days and you are making it sound like we have been gone for months. That's a little dramatic." I laughed.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes playfully and picked up her bags. We carried the bags into the room and began unpacking.

Once the bags were empty and put away Caitlin jumped onto the bed belly first. She laid with her face in one of the pillows. She turned her head and looked at me "I missed our bed."

I climbed over and laid next to her. She was starting at me for a second, "what?" I asked.

"Nothing, just thinking." She said.

"About what?" I asked curiously.

She took a second before answering. "Nothing, it's going to sound dumb." She rolled over onto her back and looked over at me.

"Nothing new." I teased.

She punched my arm and said, "I'm literally a genius."

"I know." I said. "I was just teasing. Now what is it you wanted to ask?"

"I want to train." She paused for a moment. "I want to help you fight other metas."

"Caitlin," I didn't know what to say and paused. "You just got control of these powers, how do we know you won't loose it again."

She sat up quickly. "Barry, it's different now." She said starting to get loud.

"How?" I asked sitting up.

"This time I'm not scared of these powers. And I can control them."

"How do we know that after using your powers over and over again they won't take over?" I asked.

"We don't, but it's a chance that I'm willing to take!" She stood up and yelled.

I stood up too "well I'm not!"

"Good thing it's not your choice!" She said as she walked out of the room.

"Cait!" I said following her out of the room. "Caitlin!" I grabbed her hand and stopped her. "I just don't want to lose you again."

She sighed "I know, but all my life all I've ever wanted to do is help people, and now I have an opportunity to do that and I'm not going to let you you anyone else take that away from me."

I took a deep breath, "fine, but the first time I see you not acting like yourself I'm done training you. Deal?"

Her face lit up "deal."

"I'm serious." I tilted my head thinking she was only telling me what I wanted to hear.

"So am I." She smiled then stood on her tip toes and gave me a quick kiss in the cheek. "So when do we start?" She asked excitedly.

I took a moment to think. "Thursday."

"Thursday? Why Thursday?" She squinted her eyes. "I think we should start tomorrow."

I turned my head to the side and gave a disapproving glance. She gave a big happy grin and said, "please." Holding the 'E'.

I finally gave into her pleading "Fine."

"You are the best." She said excitedly and kissed my cheek again. She calmed down and said " I love you." And smiled.

I smiled back and said "I love you too."

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