Chapter 15: bad news

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Barry's POV

When I walked out of the pipeline I felt a tear run down my face. It broke my heart to see her like that, especially when I can't help feel like I'm the reason she's like this.

As I walked back to the cortex my phone began to ring. I stopped and looked to see who was calling me. Caitlin's mother?
"Hello?" I asked.

"Barry, hello, this is Emily, Caitlin mother. I tried to get in contact with Caitlin but she has been ignoring my calls." Emily spoke through the phone.

"Um- see, ugh" I stuttered, not knowing how to tell her what has happened to Caitlin. "Emily, Caitlin isn't... Herself right now." I told her.

"Why, what happened? Did you two brake up?" She asked Concernedly.

"No, no, me and Cait are still together." I told her quickly. "I think it would be best to talk about this in person."

"I agree. That's actually the reason I called you. I need to speak to Caitlin, but obviously that isn't going to happen, so I guess I'll have to tell you." She said and I rolled my eyes. I know she doesn't mean to come off rude, but she just has no filter.

"Great. How about we meet up at jitters?" I asked her.

"Sound great. See you in a bit."

When I arrived at jitters Emily was already sitting at a table. She was very pale and her lips were chapped and dry. Her face was sunken in and she had very dark circles under her eyes.  I walked up to the table and sat down.

"Hi, Barry" she smiled.

"Hi, Emily." I smiled weakly back.

"Please, explain what is going on with my girl." She said, sounding worried.

"Umm- you remember the particle accelerator explosion, right?" I asked, not knowing where to start.

"Yes, of course. Why?" She asked.

I nervously put my had on the back of my neck. "Well, it did something to her."

"And she is just feeling the effects of it now? This happened almost three years ago."

"Yeah, well you know how she was in that car accident a while back? Well, we have reason to believe that that is what activated these powers."

"Powers? What kind of powers?" She asked.

"Well, she can manipulate ice."

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why she has been ignoring my calls."

"See, the powers have changed her."I tried to explain.

"Changed her how?" Emily asked sounding almost angry.

"She can't control them. They have caused her to become... Not herself. These powers have caused her to become evil." I explain. "But me and some friends at S.T.A.R labs are doing everything we can to help her."

"Where is she. I need to see her." Emily stood up quickly.

"Look, I don't think right now is a good time. She-"

"Barry, I'm dying." She cut me off. I didn't know how to respond. "Now, might be the only time. Just please, let me see my little girl."

I could say no to her. Not now. "Yeah. Let's go." I walked her outside and picked her up.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm the flash." I said and ran her to the lab.

I stopped right outside the pipeline. When I set her down she had a blank expression on her face.
"She is in there" I pointed. "But I'm warning you-" before I could finish she ran into the pipeline.

Before long she came running out. "Is this some kind of joke!?" She cried.

"What are you talking about?"

"There is no one in there! That... Thing is empty!" She yelled.

"What?" I asked and ran into the pipeline to see that her cell was open. "How did she get out?"

"Barry, where is my little girl?" Emily asked from behind me. She sounded angry as much as she did terrified.

"I-I don't know. No meta has ever escaped from here." I stuttered. "But we need to find her. And fast."

Ok so quick question: would you guys rather I have Caitlin stay killer frost for a few more chapters and have the book end somewhere between 25 to 30 chapters or would you rather me have Caitlin come back within the next chapter or two and get back to the romance and have the book end between 20 to 25 chapters? Oh and sorry  for not updating for a while. I just wasn't exactly sure how I wanted this chapter play out. I'm going to try and finish next chapter tonight.

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