Chapter 13: to far gone

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Caitlin's POV

I did it. I actually killed zoom. The monster who caused me all this pain. I thought as I stepped over his lifeless corpse. "I guess I got the last laugh." I whispered into the ear of his body and stood back up.

Then I thought of Barry. I could feel my eyes become brown again. "I'm so sorry, Barry." I said to myself, but I wished he could hear me.

I wish I could be the same Caitlin that I was before, but these powers are controlling my life. I don't want to say those thing to Barry but can't help it. I was fighting a battle against myself and either way I loose.

I went to an old house that is no longer in use and decided to stay there for the night. For the past three nights I have been staying wherever I could.

I walked into the abandoned house and looked around. There was graffiti coverings the walls, holes in the ceiling and walls, and garbage covering the floors. "Home sweet home." I said to myself sarcastically.

I kicked clear an open spot on the floor and sat down. I began crying thinking about Barry and how much I miss him and how much pain he must be in. I was in so much pain, then I went numb. All emotions are gone and I felt myself becoming killer frost again. I tried to fight it for as long as I could but the coldness quickly took over.

I stood up, wiped my face and collected myself. I felt the need to get into some kind of trouble. It's like the more pain I'm in as Caitlin, the more destructive I am as killer frost.

I made my way down an empty ally way that leads to a main road. I was walking when I heard someone walking behind me. I turned around and saw two men in black hoodies.

"Well hello pretty lady." One of them called out.

I turned around to walk away when the other one grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me back, "where do you think you're going, the fun is just beginning."

"You're going to regret doing that." I told them.

"Oh, is that a threat? What are you going to do, spank me?" The man said with a sly smile.

When he said this it made me furious. I grabbed his arm and used my powers to give him extreme frost bite. The man screamed in pain and the other one began running away; but I wasn't going to let either of them go with a warning.

As the man was running I used my other hand to freeze the patch of the street he was running on causing him to fall onto his back. I let the man I was holding go and he fell to his knees in pain screaming.

I walked over to the man who is now on the ground.
"What are you going to do to me." He asked, fear obviously in his voice.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to give you a little kiss." I said grabbing him and kissing him. I felt all the heat from his body escape and I felt myself growing stronger by the second. When every last ounce of heat was sucked from his body I let him go and he was solid ice.

I stood up straight and looked over to the other man who was still on his knees in pain.

"What are you going to do to me, freak?" The man asked.

"Now, now, now, no need for the rude nicknames." I shook my head. "I want to try a fun new trick on you."

I grabbed his arm again, this time to do more than just hurt him. His whole arms began turning into ice and I felt myself absorbing the energy. The ice continued throughout his entire body until there was nothing left to freeze.

Both men where stuck in the exact position they where in when they where frozen. Just to see what would happen I pushed the man who was stuck on his knees backwards. When he hit the ground his entire body shattered like it was glass.

I continue walking back down the ally but felt something inside me click, "what am I doing."

Barry's POV

I woke up and somehow found the motivation to get out of bed. I walked into the kitchen and got  a cup of coffee. I turned on the morning news as I usually do. When I turned it on the news caster was reporting the murder of two muggers.

I turned up the volume so I could better hear what the reporter was saying. "Police don't know much about the murders, but it is likely to be committed by a new meta human. This meta is believed to be able to manipulate ice, if you see any strange activity please get to safety and call nine-one-one. This meta is highly dangerous and likely-"

I turned off the television, not wanting to hear what they might say next. "What are you doing, Caitlin." I felt myself begin to get angry. "What are you doing!?" I threw the coffee mug across the room. When it hit the wall it shattered into tiny pieces.

Trying to calm myself down I put my hands on my head and closed my eyes. "What are you doing?" I asked myself "you should be out there helping her." As I was saying this I realized: "she doesn't want help. I'm already to late. Caitlin is gone and there is nothing I could do."

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