Chapter 23: actions have consequences

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Barry's POV

When I woke up I turned to put my arm around Caitlin. I felt around her side of the bed but didn't feel her. I opened my eyes and saw she wasn't In the room. I got up and put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I knocked on the bathroom door but didn't hear her reply so I walked out of the bed room into the kitchen. "Caitlin?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

I didn't hear a reply but I heard what sounded like a muffled scream. I opened my eyes and saw a man covering her mouth as he held a gun to her head. "Who are you?" I asked walking closer.

The man ignore the question and said, "you have a pretty lady here, Allen." The man started checking her out. She was wearing one of my shirts so it was baggy on her.

"Don't you touch her!" I yelled. "Don't hurt her, you're here for me, right?"

The man looked at me and pushed the gun into her temple "see Barry, or as some people know you, the flash, I'm not here for you. I'm here for her, Doctor Caitlin snow, aka killer frost."

"Why are you doing this?" Caitlin asked him.
He pushed her against the wall and wrapped his hand around her throat and began choking her. "Remember that mugger you killed? That was my brother. I'm going to kill you just like you killed him."
The man let go of her throat and she fell to the ground gasping for air. I was about to ran and take the gun out of his hands when he turned around "take one more step and I blow your girlfriends brains out right now!"

I put my arms up in surrender. The man was beginning to walk over to me when he felt to the ground. When he fell I saw Caitlin had a bloody icicle in her hand. The man tried to crawl to pick up his gun but Caitlin used her powers to push the gun back further away from him. The gun was to close to his hand and when she used her powers she froze his hand. The man screamed in pain as she looked up at me "Barry..." She dropped the icicle and it shattered into tiny pieces. I ran over to her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "You're okay."

"He was going to kill you." She said through her tears.

"I know. you did the right thing." I calmed.

"It doesn't feel like it." She said sadly. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You saved my life, and yours. It was self defense."

"Can we go home." She asked looking at the body of the attacker.


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