Chapter 26: Telling the news

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Caitlin's POV

Barry and I walked into the lab. We each had a coffee in one hand and had our other hand intertwined as we walked into the cortex. When we walked in Cisco, Joe, and Iris were all standing around the computers talking. We walked in and they all looked up and smiled. "Hey!" Cisco said excited to see Barry and I. He walked over and wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a tight hug. "Hi Cisco." I smiled.

He pulled away and hugged Barry "I missed you guys." Cisco said.

"We were only gone a few days." Barry told him.

"I know, but the city has been so crazy without you, well the flash."

"There was a bank robbery yesterday." Joe told us  "we got the guys, but  one of our guys got shot."

"Will he be alright?" I asked concerned.

"He should be. He had a  surgery last night and he has another one tomorrow, but the doctor said that if all goes well he should be perfectly fine."

"That's good." Barry said. He smiled and looked down at me before looking back up at the team. "And we have big news."

I smiled and held up my left hand, showing off the diamond ring on my finger. Iris let out an exited Yelp and ran over to me and hugged me "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks." I said smiling.
She let me go and ran over to hug Barry.

Cisco gave me a big hug and smiled "I'm so happy for you." Then in my ear he whispered "I don't care if he is my best friend or not, you are like my sister and if he hurts you I will kill him with my bare hands." I gave him a disapproving head tilt and he put his hands up "I'm just saying." Then he smiled "but I totally ship it."

I didn't know what he meant but I decided not to ask, instead  I just smiled and shook my head. "Oh,
and Cisco I'm going to need a suit."

He looked at me confused "why would you need a suit?" Then it hit him "are you training to be a superhero?"

"I want to use my powers for good, to inflict light and hope on the city instead of pain and fear." I told him.

"You're going to need a name." He started thinking. "I'll think of one."

I looked at him hard trying to make sure I wasn't miss reading what he was saying "so you're not mad or upset that I want to start training?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad? You, me, and Barry all kicking ass, saving people, sign me up."

"Thanks Cisco" I laughed.

A/N: any ideas for a superhero name for Caitlin? I have a few in mind but I'm not sure how I feel about them plus I want to hear what you guys think

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