Chapter 4: secrets

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Caitlin's POV

When I looked at what I had done I was in disbelief. I closed my hands into a fist hoping that it will stop anything else from freezing. Not knowing what to do I ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

I was hesitant but I turned on the water in the sink to wash my face. When I looked in the mirror my lips were turning to a light shade of blue and I had a section of about one inch of hair that turned white right in the front. I shut off the water and stepped back. What is happening to me? I heard the door open and Barry walk in.

Not knowing what to do I grabbed a red lipstick and put it on in order to hide my blue lips. And for my hair I tried to hide it by putting it up, but the white was still very obvious so I grabbed scissors and cut it then put my hair up in a messy ponytail in order to hide what might by left.

I walked out of the bathroom as casually as I could. "Hey, how was work?"

"Great." He said sarcastically.

He started walking closer to the sink and I panicked. I don't want him to see what I did. What if he gets scared? What if he wants to lock me up in the pipeline with the rest of the metas we encounter. But I'm not a meta. If I was a meta I would have known shortly after the particle accelerator exploded, not almost three years later.

I walked quickly in front of the sink to try and hide it with my body. "So why did you need to stay late?"

"I had some meeting with Singh about possibly adding a new member to the forensics department." He rolled his eyes.

"Do you think they will?"

He shrugged "It depends on if the budget can afford it."

I nodded my head. I turned around and saw that the sink was still frozen. I could tell that Barry was able to tell I was nervous.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"What? Oh, nothing" I stuttered.

He walked over and was about to look at the sink behind me. Not knowing what to do I tried to concentrate on getting rid of the ice. I closed my eyes and slightly moved my hand. I opened my eyes and what was left of the ice was gone.

I let out a sigh of relief and Barry looked even more confused.

"It's nothing." I answered before he had the chance to ask.

Should I tell him? I asked myself. But what is there to tell? I'm not a meta. I refuse to believe it. It's was just some mistake. But somewhere deep down I knew the truth. But how am I supposed to tell them. The only other person I know of with this power is my evil doppelgänger from earth two; and I am not going to end up like her.

I will find a way to get rid of these powers before Barry or the rest of the team ever knows I had them in the first place.

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