Chapter 12: realization

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Barry's POV

I ran back to the lab almost in tears. I couldn't believe what happened to her. When I arrived back at the lab Cisco stopped me. "What happened? I couldn't see, the cameras are frozen over."

"She did it. She killed zoom." I said with a blank expression. Saying it out loud made me truly understand what had just happened.

Cisco was at a loss of words. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it. After a few moments he spoke, "I don't understand, why?"

"She said that 'she was getting revenge'. She blames him for what is happening to her. But I still don't understand, the particle accelerator explosion was over two years ago, why did she just get her powers now?"

"Well, everyone was affected but the dark matter that was released throughout the city. She must have had the meta human gene in her but needed some kind of traumatic experience to activate it." He explained.

"The car accident. So she's right, it is his fault." I realized. "Cisco, we need to bring her home."

"Barry," he took a long pause to think about what he should say. "I-I don't think it's the Caitlin we know."

"Don't say that. We could still bring her back." I defended.

"Barry, she killed a man today!" He yelled. After realizing what he said he tried to apologize, "I'm sorry, man"

"I think I'm going to go." I said and ran back to the apartment.

When I walked in it didn't feel like home anymore. It felt empty, Lonely. I took off my jacket and threw it on the back of the couch.

After witnessing what I have, I don't have much of an appetite so I walked into Our bedroom.

I walked in and instantly felt a wave of sadness come over me. I laid down in bed and began to cry. I laid with my face in one of Caitlin's pillows.

This pain is more than I have ever felt before. The pain is even worse then after my mother died. At least I knew that she was gone. But now the woman I love is becoming a stone cold killer and I don't know if I will ever see the person I fell in love with again.

This almost made me wish she would have just died in the car accident. I understand how terrible that sounds but at least she wouldn't be living in fear like she is now. She is in a living hell, and I can't help but feel as though it's my fault.

I was laying and remembered something. I leaned over the the bed side table and opened the drawer. I removed the drawer itself and started shuffling around in the empty space where it just was until I found it.

I pulled out a small black box and sat back. I waited a moment and opened the box and inside it was a beautiful diamond ring. I stared at it for a few seconds thinking about how I originally planned to ask her, then a tear fell down my cheek and I closed the box.

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