The Wrackspurts Definitely Got To Us

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Summer was fun, considering how the Scamanders and our family went to Germany together. We had stayed in Berlin and had visited other states such as Munich and Hamburg. After three weeks of never ending fun and enthusiasm with the Scamanders, we were now on our way back to the Burrow.

Lorcan, who was sitting next to me, currently engaged in a conversation with his parents and brother about imaginary creatures called Wrackspurts ("Wrackspurts fly into your brain and make it go fuzzy."), had been the best companion I could have ever wished for.
We had shared a room with Ly and Hugh, and needless to say, rarely caught a wink of sleep in the nights.

Lorcan and I had gotten matching sets of the traditional German costumes, roamed around Hanover together, learnt basic German together, and the list seemed endless. We had grown closer on these four months than we had in the past three years.

As Aunt Luna and Uncle Rolf continued to explain their extensive research to mum, who refused to believe Wrackspurts existed, we reached home.

Dad chuckled and brought the car to a stop." We're here people"

"Oh thank God! I missed the burrow so much!" Exclaimed Hugo, grabbing his bags and running out of the car.

I couldn't help but agree with him. Sure Germany was amazing. But nothing is ever as good as home.

"Me too!" Yelled Lysander, grabbing his bags as well.
"No you didn't! You missed Lily!" Lorcan yelled behind his twin, who waved him off and ran inside.

"Bet you're excited Rosie." Lorcan said in my ear, making me turn around to face him.

"Why wouldn't I be excited? I'm home after 2 months!"
"That's not what I meant and you know it... "
"Then?" I acted completely oblivious.

"Scorpius has come over hasn't he? I heard you talking to Albus about it."
"Oh darn it, I completely forgot about that!"

Great. Now I suddenly don't wanna go inside.

"Are you still pissed at him?" Lorcan raised his brows.
"Why would I be pissed at him?" I asked, annoyance creeping into my tone.

"That, I don't know but you certainly are avoiding him."

I was about to give him a snarky retort, when an idea suddenly popped up in my brain.

"Please pretty please help me avoid him. You're my best friend Lorc please. And he hates you! As long as you're with me he won't talk to me, so I won't deliberately be avoiding him!"

Lorcan gave a short laugh. "Way to let it on easily Rosie."

I shot him a look.
"And you're still not going to tell me why you're avoiding him?"
"No chance" I shook my head vehemently.

Lorcan considered my request for a second, while I made puppy dog eyes at him.
"Okay then let's avoid Scorpius Malfoy!"
"You're the bestest best friend!"

"Is 'bestest' even a word?"
"I have no idea. I don't think so though."
"How are we Ravenclaws again?"

"Looks like the sorting hat has now made 9 mistakes."
We laughed at the historical fact like the nerds we were.

"Oh god the Wrackspurts got to us" Lorc said guffawing, while leaning on me.

"Rosie, Lorcan, what're you doing outside alone?" came a voice. I turned around to see Lily smirking at the two of us.

"Who's outside all alone?" said James appearing behind Lily.

"Ahhh. It's RoRcan!" Exclaimed Fred, appearing behind the two Potters.

" RoRcan?" I asked, raising my brows. They had actually made a ship name for Lorcan and I! Amazing cousins I have.

"You know what? I like the sound of RoRcan." said Lorcan gazing into space.

"Thinking about yours and Rosie's future kids?" Someone sneered and Scorpius Malfoy stepped out, looking extremely cheesed off.

"About your's and Jessica's kids actually " smirked Lorcan as both mine and Scorpius's eyes widened.
"What did you just say Scammander?" Scorp growled moving towards Lorcan with venom in his eyes.

"I said I need more pies." Lysander grinned at me, appearing from inside the house, slinging his arms on Lily's shoulder.

"You know what! Even I need pies. I've missed Grandma Molly's cooking." I stated, grabbing Lorc's hand and pulling him inside the house, and away from Scorp.

As I did so, Scorp gave me a sad, fleeting look, as if to say, 'you chose him over me?'.
I shook my head lightly at him and pulled a heavily smirking Lorc away from the firing range as my cousins stood there with their eyes wide open.

The Wrackspurts had definitely gotten to us.

Word Count: 765

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