I Did Not Sign Up For This. (Also, 911 returns)

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Rose was full on squeeling by the time we had reached the Gryffindor common room.
"How cute are they? I mean that speech. That speech was amazing! Why didn't you give me a speech? "

I huffed. "I wanted to, I even had one prepared! But I never got to say it! "

"Say it right now!"
"You heard me! We'll pretend as if we're not dating! Then you can say your speech and woo me! " She removed her hand from mine.

"Well, Rose, I -" I was rudely interrupted by a distinct yelling from further down the corridor.

"For fucks sake Albus! This is going way to far!" We heard Ali say.

"What's going far Alice? I haven't been anything but polite to you since this morning." Albus huffed, with a look of confusion.

"And that's exactly what's bothering me." Alice said.

"Excuse me? Me being polite is bothering you? What do you even mean by that?"

"Oh come off it! We have never been 'polite' to each other. It used to be Ali and Al. Now, it's Alice and Albus. "

"So, me calling you by your actual name is bothering you? One moment, you don't want anything to do with me, and the other, you want me to go back to calling you Ali? What is it that you want woman? Because I can't figure it out."

"What I want is for you to stop flirting with my friends." Ali said, crossing her arms.

"What? Where did that come up from? I thought you wanted me to call you Ali!" Albus exclaimed exasperated.

"That, I changed my mind about. Just stay away from Hazel. I don't want you playing with her heart too." Ali shrugged.

"What d'you mean 'too'?" Al asked offended.

"Well, isn't that what you've been doing? First you dated that silly girl from Hufflepuff, I bet you don't even remember her name but, however, you dumped her in a week. Then you dated that Clary From Ravenclaw, and dumped her the very next day. Then you dated Zabini and you guys broke it off. Now, you're going about hitting on one of my best friends. Do you think I'm just going to stand by, watching you shatter her heart too?" Ali nearly yelled.

"First off. The girl from Hufflepuff? Her name was Olivia. We broke it off mutually because we both had our eyes set on different people. Second, her name was Clara. Not Clary. Clary, is a character in the Mortal Instruments. And she broke it off with me, because she was getting transferred Norway. Thirdly, Skye. She and I weren't actually dating. That was just a ruse for her to figure out whether or not she was a hundred percent sure of her sexuality. And the person I had my eyes set on? Yeah that, was you! But I'm sorry Alice. I keep trying so hard, and you keep pushing me away from you. Maybe it's time I gave up too. Because it looks like I'm the only one really trying in this friendship."

With that Al walked away. I wanted to run after him so bad, but I couldn't just leave Rose there. I turned to look at Rose, whose faced held the same pained expression that mine did.
She merely nodded, and I ran towards Al, knowing that Rose would be tending to Ali, who's muffled sobs could be heard across the corridors.

I heaved a breath as I tucked Al into bed. After an hour of crying his heart out, he had finally gone to sleep.
I walked out of our dorm and headed to the Gryffindor common room, where everyone was already gathered. I could see everyone except for Albus and Connor. Even the new happy couple were there, except for the fact fact that they didn't look that happy at the moment.

"Guys this is getting too much. This is the second time they've fought in this week. " James began.

"Both of them are pretty wrecked guys. You should've seen Ali. She was a sobbing mess by the time Lorcan and I finally got her to sleep." Rose sighed.

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