Oh Scorpy Babyy

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OK I admit it. I am an idiotic moron. I repeated my biggest mistake.
I listened to Albus Potter.

It all began when I was enjoying my delicious Breakfast and reading a book.

" Scorpy babyy!! " I cringed.

" Hey Jessica.. . " I tried for a smile.

" what are you reading? Oh nevermind. I find  books boring and useless. I mean, who cares about totally random people and their lives right?? "

Never hit a woman. Never hit a woman.

" Uh-huh"

" hey Scorpy I was thinking... " she said as she stroked my hair.

It took all of my Will power not to shove her hand away. " well that's a first. "

" excuse me? "
" nothing, you continue. "

" maybe we could go on a date together... I mean we haven't been anywhere together since that lame party at the Weasley's..... "

" uhhh I don't know Jessica.. " I tried to let her down easy,  "I mean our OWLs are coming up in a few months and we have to study... I'll tell when I'm free though."  I managed.

"ooh yes!! Better make it quick babe!! I'm ready anytime you're ready. "  and with a final kiss (that I definitely did not return)  she skipped away, probably to tell her cronies.

" Tell her this Saturday. " I jumped. Albus Potter grinned as he sat down beside me

" Merlin's beard!! Al! " I punched his shoulder.

" Saturday is fine bro, I mean you can get your homework done by Friday, and you can revise on Sunday. Plus, it's Hogsmead. "

" why should I egg her on?? I mean it's fine by me if we don't go on dates. "

" dude, jealousy is the best weapon. " I jumped again to find Jake grinning sitting down opposite to me with Ross.

" People!! How many more of that should I expect?"

" not much " Ross said as he picked up a biscuit from a platter.

" but seriously guys, I don't wanna. "

" dude! Man up. You have to get rid of Jessica till Christmas. The day, may I remind you, you're proposing to Rose. So.... If you're really serious about Rose, this might be the last chance to make her jealous. " Al frowned.

" And why would I want to make her jealous? "

" Oh My God. Scorpy my boy listen. We have all dated before. You haven't. If someone is good at giving a romantic advice, it ain't you. It's us. Al has dated Bloom Stark, I have dated  Maria Dodge. And even Rossy here has dated Holly Smith. You're the least experienced in the field so shut the fuck up and listen to us. " Jake said.

" and if the whole thing back fires? "

" then you can Avada us before Crucio-ing yourself. "

I grinned.

" fine. "

I turned around to see Jessica sitting on the other side of the Slytherin table with her cronies

" hey Jessica!! " she turned towards me. " how about next Saturday? " as she shouted her agreement, I saw the entire Weasley clan and Co. 

Glaring at me.

Fred mouthed 'WTF' as I waved them off.

And as Lorcan Scammander winked at me and continued his conversation with Rose it hit me. I had given him, the upper hand.

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