James Sirius Potter. The Legendary Stripper

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We laughed out so loud that our voice echoed through the Gryffindor compartment, earning us quite a few glares from the other occupants.

" shut up guys. It isn't even that funny. " James, who now resembled a tomato, glared at the entire Weasley clan.

We laughed even harder at that. Currently, we were all in the Hogwarts express clutching our stomachs as we rolled on the floor laughing.
James, who had tried to carry out a mastermind prank in front of Zoe to impress her, by dying Mrs. Norris ( the second), pink,  had been caught by Filch, who had reported him to Headmistress McGonagall, who had made him dye his own hair pink for two days.
Despite not leaving his dorm room for the entire first day, he had messed up the time. Thinking it would be 2 at night, he had actually come out at six in the afternoon to fetch a glass of water.
This resulted him to be caught in a purple - I love the wierd sisters- t-shirt and very loud pink hair. By the entire Gryffindor house who acted in a very similar way like we were right now. But even better, Zoe had walked in that very moment to get my sweatshirt.  (the Weasley clan and Co. Had been playing Quidditch yet again). She had laughed so much at him, that my poor cousin had run back to his room, embarrassed and still thirsty.

" not that funny?! You've got to be kidding me mate! Why in the name of Merlin do you even own a wierd sisters t-shirt?! " barked Fred while laughing.

" They're evergreen! " James protested.

" but a purple t-shirt with loud pink hair?! I thought you had better sense than that ickel Jamiekinns! " Dom gasped.

" I thought I wouldn't be meeting anyone in the Common room! I messed up the time! " he tried to clear himself.

"  holy cow James! Do you not own a damn watch ?! " I wiped the tears that had escaped my eyes from the vigorous laughing.

" I did! I broke it during a duel with that ass " he nodded towards Fred who was still laughing.

" that's it. I'm done. " Hugo laughed.

" what's that pipsqueak?! " hissed James. " should I tell your sister dear about the time you stripped in front of the entire Gryffindor tower just for a bet?! "

My swiftly whipped my head towards Hugo who seemed completely unbothered  by this revelation.

" if you don't remember, that was you, James. You stripped. And not in front of the Gryffindors, but in front of the Hufflepuffs. And might I add, you also proclaimed your undying love for your cat, Jem, while pole dancing on the pillar. "

We all turned to look at James incredulously. He swiftly stood up pointing an accusatory finger at Hugo.

"  you traitor! What about our bro code man?! "

Hugo shrugged.

" you pushed me in front of the bus. I just moved out of the way after pulling you in with me. "

As we all roared in laughter yet again, James let out a frustrated growl.

Lily clapped her hands.
" best pre birthday gift ever. "

Lucy suddenly shrieked.
" oooh I know what to give James for Christmas. I'll go with Hugo into the pensieve, where he'll have the pole dancing memory, and I'll click a picture and frame it! "

" oh yes sister dear! And the caption: James Potter, son of Harry Potter. Stripper by profession. An all time favorite at Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. " sniggered  Molly.

And so, we all started coming up with various colorful ideas for James's  present.

As time went on forwards, conversation slowly drifted to a topic I was hoping to avoid.
My dad's reaction to Scorpius Malfoy.


Heyyyy so I haven't been updating for quite a long time.... Yeah... Alot of people (you all know who you are) have been very kind enough to remind me that. So here it is. Hope you liked it. Now that I know what to do for the next chapter, you'll most probably get the next update within this week. Oh and also, did anyone get the Infernal Devices / Mortal Instruments reference back there? Lemme know.

Ciao Adios.


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