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Rose breathed in fresh air.

She was standing on the porch of the Malfoy Manor, looking out at the large gardens where her children played with each other.
It was one of those days when both Scorpius and her weren't working. The former, was currently fetching them coffee from the kitchen. Rose sniffed the air as a sweet smell reached her super strong Weasley nose.
Scorpius's Oatmeal raisin cookies.

She smiled as the door behind her opened and her husband walked in.
She leaned against the broad chest and sighed.
"You forgot the coffee Scorpius."

Scorpius suddenly realised the real reason why he had left the porch and apologized profusely before running back in.
"Get me some oatmeal raisin cookies while you're at it!"

Scorpius's mouth dropped open. How the hell did she know he made cookies? He headed outside with the two mugs full of steaming coffee and a plate of his cookies.

Setting them on the table, he whistled. Rose turns around with a frown and walks towards him.
"Am I a dog?"

He grinned and stuffed his face with cookies before gulping them down with coffee.
"Such a gentleman Mr. Malfoy." Rose grimaced.

But she too, soon followed his actions.
"Learnt it all from you Mrs. Malfoy."

Rose composes herself soon though, they have to act like sophisticated grown-ups in front of the kids at least.
"Did you hear from Al, Rosie?"
Scorpius asked her.

Rose nodded, showing him the letter placed on the table.
"They seem to be having fun in Hawaii. See the pictures attached?"

Scorpius grinned. "Ali and the kids look great! Al though, he still looks like a circus monkey."

They both laughed till Rose saw the time. It was already six.

"Evangeline! Spencer! Come back in guys it's getting dark!" She called out to her children, glaring at her husband when they pay no heed to what she said.
"This is all your fault. You spoil them too much." She whined, getting up to go into the garden.
She walked to her son and picked up the toddler who was playing in mud. Calling out for her daughter, she walked back in, where Scorpius stood, sipping coffee.
"She's not going to come in till I go and get her. We both know that Rosie." He smirked.

"Well then, go get her."

Rose walked inside and put Spencer down in his baby chair, as she put a spoonful of curd in his mouth, she noticed him covered in mud.
"You young man, need to take a bath."

Scorpius walked in holding Eva's hand and let her sit on the chair while he locked the doors.
He looked at Rose as she struggled with the little boy, who was now proving how strong his lungs were by wailing at the top of his voice.

"Mommy, you know he hates it when you wash his hair. He is not going to go take that bath easily."
Said Eva as she accepted a cookie from her father.

"It's true you know, even I used to act like a brat when my mum used to take me to bathe." Said Scorpius, flinching as Eva snatched her cookie from his mouth.
"Get your own." She said.

"Well you always act like a brat Scorpius, there's no surprise for me in that piece of information." Said Rose, finally managing to get the child to finish his food.

Rose picked up her four year old son and smiled at the little boy.
"Hey there baby, you ready to go and have a nice bath?"

The wailing showed how he definitely wasn't.

"D'you need our help?" Scorpius called from behind.

Rose rolled her eyes as the two got up without an answer, stalking towards her.
"When do I not Scorp. When do I not?"


Short but on point. There's the epilogue you guys. It just tells you how the Malfoy family rolls.
Word Count: 655.

F  I  N.

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