But I Don't Love Anyone....

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Heyyyy Potterheads..... So the confession above  is so true ain't it?
Lorcan: I hate that moron
Scorpius : oh yeah? Try meeting yourself sometime you... You... You.  MORON!!
Lorcan: *rolls his eyes*

yup I think that sums up their relationship.



" dude!! Focus. "
I was rudely shaken from my thoughts of the previous Chudley Cannons match by James.

" what? "

" oh god! This is useless. Listen punk.. " Dominique started, but I cut her off.

" can you not call me punk? "

" what else would you like? Voldy? Umbridge spawn? Mr . drizzle McShizzle!! Huh?!I got a lot more.. "

"nah, I'm good with punk.... "

" OK guys. Focus . So let's go over the plan right? " said Lily getting up from her chair in the three broomsticks.

Yup I,  Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was sitting in the three broomsticks, surrounded by the Wotter clan and Co. (excluding Rose and the Scammanders) on a weekend. When I should be with Rose.

" I'll do it! " said Al. " The plan is that,  on the next weekend which is in the Christmas holidays, we'll Invite Scorp for a party thrown by Dom and Moll to apparently, celebrate their last year at Hogwarts. During that,  Lily and Luce, being the family favorites will usher all the adults out of the party and will convince them to stay inside the Burrow, to do something more adult-oriented. Meanwhile, inside the tent, Scorpius will tragically break up with Jessica, and send her away. When he comes back, he'll tell Rose how much he loves her and all that shit. End of story. " We all nodded in agreement except for Ali who spoke up.

" what do you mean by 'all that shit'?! "

" you know, the sentimental stuff.. " replied Al with a shrug.

"  that 'sentimental stuff'  ain't shit Al. Sometimes, you just have to do that stuff for the person you that you love dearly  without being embarrassed. " she nearly yelled.

" yeah... But I don't love anyone do I? " Al said scratching his neck.


" no, you don't... You don't love anyone.. " Ali said looking very hurt.

I was just about to provide a subject change when James whisper yelled.

" People! Rose is coming!! Scatter and act like nothing shady was going on!! "

As the Wotter clan and Co. Ran from the spot and  Ali and I sipped on our Butter beer, Al just sat there looking at Ali softly.

And the doors opened and Rose Weasley, Zoe O'Connor and Hazel Scott walked in with Lorcan Scammander and some other Ravenclaw dude.

They all went and sat at an unoccupied table . Ali got up.

" ooh they​ brought Connor with them!! Gotta go bye guys!!"

" who's  Connor? " I asked her.
" oh he's my partner in potions."
" Rose doesn't really like him though" she added after seeing my 'look'.

" well... D'you like him? " asked Al.

" Hell yeah!! Have you seen him? He's hot. "

And she skipped away towards the table. And sat beside Rose and that Connor dude. I was glad to see that Hazel, Zoe and Scarlett were sitting between Rose and Lorcan.
Well letting them in on our plan was certainly a good idea!  All hail Ali!
Al however was far from being happy. He was glaring at their table with a cold look in his eyes.

"mate, it's your fault really. Why couldn't you just tell her that you like her? " I told him.

" yeah, like you told Rose right?" He retorted.

" I'm going to make a move and sometime soon, you should too otherwise this 'Connor' will soon turn into 'Lorc' " I said shaking my head.

" I Effin hate these Ravenclaw dudes. " he decided.

"join the club"  I said as I sipped onto my butterbeer, eagerly waiting for the Christmas vacations.

Goodbye Lorcan Scammander.
You will soon get hell out of  Rosie's life



I would like to tell you all that there is still a lot more left to this story and I hope that all of you enjoy it.


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