School Soon!!

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Oh. My. Good. Lord. Pizza is amazing!!! My mum had taken the opportunity to treat all of us kids and adults alike with pizza and I was in Paradise. So was dad.  And my entire family.  And my Friends and their families.  Basically everyone present. I was enjoying my pizza and busy smirking at Scorp who looked like he was in Einstein's lab through the actual inventions that I nearly missed the best moment of these vacations. Ali walked in through the door. "oh my gawd!!!" I shrieked as I ran to embrace my very bestest friend. "what're you doing here?!".
"aunt Hermione invited me over for a pizza party!!! "grinned Alice
I did not fail to notice that she had definitely become taller and prettier over the past few months and apparently I wasn't the only one who noticed. As I looked at Uncle Neville who was making his way into the gardens where the adults were,  I noticed that Al was so busy staring at Ali that he didn't notice Scorp stealing a piece of pepperoni from his slice.  God that boy!
"I'm..  Hey hi...  Uh.. Ali.. I mean.... Alice... I mean Ali I'll  totally call you Ali... What... How're you.... Where you standing there? Sit here next to me" stammered Al I had to bite back my laughter as Scorp looked at Al wierdly the stolen piece of pepperoni still in his hand.
He then looked at Ali then again at Al then again at Ali then finally at me.... Then he smirked "Hey Al stop staring and close your mouth nargles can get to you remember?!"  he said said smirking at Al. 
"wait... What... Me staring... Pshh no!! " Al poorly tried
" What will he stare at? " asked Ali totally lost. This girl.  She Is always the fist one to get when a person has a crush on someone (cough me on Scorp cough) but that certainly isn't the case when it comes to herself.
" yeah.. Chill Al " called James from the couch he was sprawled on. " you aren't the first one to have a crush on girl in this room" smirked James while 60% of the room's population blushed heavily including Scorp.  And Lorc. why are those two blushing?!
"who has a crush on whom?! "
Asked Ali still lost. 
" that you'll get to know in due time honey. But for now, just know this.... It's a start of something very beautiful... "
It was I had not realised it but it certainly was not only for AliBus.. But also for ScoRose.


The next morning I woke up a little late. Fine. A lot late. I woke up at 1pm damn. My mum is going to kill me. I took a quick silent bath and tip toed downstairs and leaped on the sofa with my book as if I had been there all day. 
" Rose? " I looked up biting my lip to see My mother glaring at me.
" uh.. Hey mum... Long time no see.. " I tried
" young lady you are in a whole lot of trouble. "she said with her hands on her hips. Uh oh this can't be good.
"  why am I in trouble mother? Did I displease you in anyway?" I tried desperately to please her.  " Rose!!!"
"OK!! Fine I admit it I over slept today.  But it really wasn't supposed to happen but It did mostly because I slept late-"
My rambling was cut off by my mother who thrust a letter accompanied by a badge into my hands smiling so widely I thought her cheeks would tear.
"OH MY GOD!!! I AM A PREFECT!!!! OH MY GOD " I squealed at the top of my voice making every one come into the dining room.  Turns out I woke up earlier than everyone else. But now they're up so,  who cares!!!!  I carried on with my squealing. Everyone came and hugged me and carried on to opening their own letters. I creeped up behind Scorp while he opened his own letter.  HE WAS A PREFECT TOO! I squealed again and jumped up on him hugging him while he grinned widely till someone else yelled "Guys! I'm a prefect too!" I squealed for the fourth time that day and ran to hug Lorcan both of my boy besties are prefects. This school year will rock!!!

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