Potions is my favourite subject

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That night,  We had a big party to congratulate all those who had become prefects. My squad,  (Jake Nott,  Albus and Ross Zabini ) were there and so was My mum. She told me that she was very proud of me and my father was too (yeah right). We all a lot of fun, mum unfortunately had to go back to the Manor so,  I hung around the squad more. Rose's friends Hazel, Scarlett and Zoe came over to congratulate Rosie and she didn't get time to talk to me at all. It's only been like two hours and I already missed her. After having a conversation with Mr. Weasley about the Chudley Cannon's latest win, I walked out of the over crowded living room into the kitchen where I saw Rose standing drinking a glass of water.
"hey there stranger! "I said ruefully "I guess when 'Haze', 'Scar'and 'Zo' come over, no one wants same old Scorp anymore."
"You know I love same old Scorp and would 'not want'  him. "
I grinned at that
" But you've been ignoring me the whole while!!! "I said pathetically.
" honey. It was you who was roaming around behind Al moaning something about your 'girlfriend' "she said looking at the ground. I then realized what she was talking about. I had indeed been roaming around behind Al moaning on and on about how clingy and insufferable Jessica was. It was mine and Rosie's prefect becoming party and she was insisting that she come too. Why?  Because she as CLINGY. But obviously Rose thought that I was telling Al that I missed her. Not to cause any confusions, I decided that I had to come clean to Rose about my feelings about her then and there.
"Uh yeah. About that Ro. Al told me tha-"
"Scorpy babyyy"
What!  Me and a startled Rose turned around to see a  girl in a tight green dress and silver heels. Her face full of makeup. I cringed immediately.
Jessica Nott.
"what're you doing now near my boyfriend Weasley?! " 
Rose turned an amused face to me and mouthed
'Scorpy babyy'
" this happens to be my house Nott"
" but that happens to be my boyfriend ".
" I agree. So I'll just leave you and Scorpy baby to it. See ya later Scorpy " she walked away highly enjoying herself. As she neared the door and walked past Jessica, Lorcan Scammander appeared on the doorway.
" May I take the opportunity to lead you to the dance floor where the party is booming? Ms. Weasley? " he asked her bowing down.  She giggled at him
" sure Mr. Scammander"
And they walked away hand in hand leaving me.  Fuming. Alone with Jessica Nott.
"so.. Scorpy since we are alone what do you want to do???? " asked coming dangerously close to me.
" you know what?! Let's go outside and dance." and following the safest route I led her to the gardens. Once we were there I saw many people  dancing. Al with Ali (typical). James and Fred. (yup dancing together). Hugo and Lily. Hazel with Louis. Scarlett with Lysander (Lily was glaring)  and Zoe with Zachary Davies.  And... Rosie with Lorcan. They seemed to be enjoying themselves so much that it hurt my eyes just watching them. So I pulled Jessica on to the dance floor. I caught Rose's eye as I did so and she grinned and winked at me. I should probably thank the dark that no one saw my face and neck go red. Dark red. After a while of dancing and  avoiding any more than needed touching,  I finally said,
" hey Jessica you know what! I'm really tired today. Can we meet up in school like at Hogsmead or some place? " I desperately tried.
" why Scorpy?? Trying to get of me? " I had to bite back my retort
" uh no I really had to.. Uh yeah.. I had to I HAD TO HELP ROSE DO HER HOMEWORK!!!"
"you had to help Rose Weasley do her homework?! "
" yeah.. Hehe funny really"
"Weasley! Why do you need help in your homework from Scorpy?! Can't little miss know-it-all do it herself! " shit!!  Oh no!! Rose raised her eyebrows and looked at me. I gave her a  'please play along' look.
Lorcan Scammander smirked at me.
" uh yeah I uh actually needed some help in potions. " Rose nodded
" hey I needed some help in o
Potions too! Can you help me too!? " Lorcan cheekily added.
God I  want to hit him right now!! Rose however smirked   at him.
" Sure he can"
Uh no!!

Some, time later my annoying girlfriend did leave and I went back to the party. Rose was sitting down next to Al. He, was staring at Ali who was presently dancing with Fred. I made my way up to Rosie.
" May I have this dance my lady? " I said in a posh English accent.
" aah sure Mr. Malfoy I would be absolutely delighted to!! " she said in her own English accent.  We reached the dance floor and i nervously put my hand on her waist while Rosie put hers around my neck.
" so.. Is this me getting help from you in Potions? "
" yup. This is definitely a Potions homework help lesson."
"best one by far though! "
" absolutely. "
And at that moment on the dance floor while dancing with the girl I loved the most, I decided. Potions was my favourite subject.

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