E P I L O G U E. 2

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Albus Severus Potter was regretting ever bringing his family to a vacation in the Island of Hawaii.
He had a very good reason to feel so too,

"I will Avada Kedavra your ass if you don't get out of the washroom this very second young lady!"
Ali was yelling at one of the twins, at a restaurant.

They were a public embarrassment.

"Mum! We're in public. Calm down." Albus sighed in relief as Jayden spoke up. At least he wasn't alone in the struggle.

"Oh shut up. Tell your sister to get out and stop hogging the bathroom stall."

"What do you mean tell your sister to get out and stop hogging the bathroom mum? I'm right here." Libby says, appearing from behind Jayden.

"Merlin's pants, who the hell was I yelling at?"
Albus sunk down in his chair, suddenly gaining interest in the dirty plates.

As the kids returned to their table, Ali apologized profusely to the grandma who was actually hogging the stall.
Jayden snickered and highfived Libby as Albus grinned at the two.
"Turns out she's not such a young lady." Jayden chuckled.

"Your Great uncle George will be proud of you two, although I cannot say the same about your mother." Albus told the ten year old twins.
The trio turned to look at Alice as she got an earful from the elderly lady.

She joined them soon after, with an agitated face.
"Let's get the hell out of here before she gets the management to kick us out."

Albus agreed as the family of four stood up. Leaving the bill and the tip on the table, they left the restaurant hurriedly, getting in the rental car and speeding down the streets of Honolulu. The kids were estatic, shrieking with glee at their 'adventure'.

Once they made it back to the hotel room, Albus fell face flat on the bed.
"I'm never taking your asses on a vacation ever again."

Ali flopped down beside him,
"How rude Albie."

Albus snuggled into the pillow, throwing his hand around Ali, ready to fall asleep.
However, barely ten minutes into peaceful slumber, short knocks sounded on the door, and the twin bursted in.

"Dad! Mom! They opened the swimming pool! Let's go there pleaseee"
Libby shrieked, jumping up and down on the bed.

"Daddddd! Get up!"
Jayden shook Albus.

Albus groggily sat up rubbing his sleep deprived eyes.

"They opened up the pool! The one with the fun floaties!"
And the sleep vanished at once.

"Did you say floaties?! Ali get up! We're going to the pool!" Albus ran around the hotel room, grabbing his swimsuit and changing into them.

"Ali get uppp!"
Alice groaned in frustration, slowly getting up.
"Albus Severus Potter, you're worse than the children."

She grumbled, and with incredibly slow movements changed into her own swimsuit.
"Can you get any slower than that Mommy?" Jayden asked his mother, growing more impatient by the minute.

"Either I move at this pace or we don't go at all. You choose." Ali glared at Jayden.

"At this pace. Slow as a snail is fine with us!" Libby covered Jayden's mouth.

Once they reached the pool, Al and the kids jumped straight in, splashing water everywhere.
"Come on in!" They called Ali.

Ali grinned and took out her camera.

Asking the manager of the swimming pool to take a picture, she got in the pool too.
They all swum close together and striked adorable poses at the camera.

They thanked the man and took the camera from him. Ali opened the picture and immediately cooed.

"This is so cute! Jay and Libby look so adorable! Although Al, you look like a stray."
"Hey!" Albus snatched the camera from her and saw the picture himself.

"What're you talking about? I'm fabulous."
"Of course you are sweetheart. Of course you are."

They spent an hour at the swimming pool before returning to their suite.

Ali headed straight towards the desk and started writing a letter to Rose and Scorpius, telling them about the trip. The two with their kids had already returned from the Maldives a week ago, and were now at the Manor, enjoying their last few days of holidays.

She was almost done with the letter, when Albus peeked from behind, reading it.
"Aren't you going to include the Bathroom incident?" Al asks snickering.

"Definitely not." She sealed the letter and took Ella, their owl, out of the cage.

"Take this to the Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire, England Ella. Give it to Rosie."

She opened the window and watched the owl disappear into the horizon.
Turning around, she saw her husband and kids engaged in a game of Wizard chess.

"You coming sweetheart?"
Albus asked her, with a smile on his face. The smile she had fallen in love with.



I was bored.

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