This Relationship Of Ours

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Well it was a hot summer morning when I woke up to the wonderful smell of grandma Molly's food.

The sunshine poured through the window in Al's room while he himself was sprawled disgracefully on the other side of the bed. I got up silently, put on my slippers and went out of the room.

I waved at grandma Molly and made my way towards the garden. It was my favorite place in the burrow.

And right there under a large tree sat Rose Weasley, reading.
I walked up to her and sat down next to the Ginger.
"Good morning Ro."


"So, how's the book? "




What is going on? Is Rose ignoring me? It's obvious that she's ignoring me, point is why is she ignoring me?

Overly anxious, I got up and pulled down her book and looked into her eyes.

She jerked up.

"Scorp!" she exclaimed while taking out something from her ears.

"What's that thing?" I asked looking at the object with my head tilted.

She giggled at me, "These are earphones."
"Ear what-now?"

"It's OK you won't get it" Rosie said giggling.
She looked so cute giggling with her wild her sticking out in every direction.

She closed her book after placing her book mark.
"So, how's it going with Jessica Nott?"

And here it was the topic I wanted to avoid.
"Ut's great! " I lied through my teeth.

She smiled at me I couldn't figure out if it was real or not.
"I'm glad." she said, getting her attention back to her book.
"How was Germany though?" I asked her desperate to get her to talk to me again.
"Oh, it was amazing Scorp!!! Germany was so pretty and Lorc bought us these matching outfits and he made us wear it for an entire day and we ate so much and we visited Berlin Scorp it is so pretty and then Lorc and I shared a room with Sander and Hugo we all had so much fun except for that one day when Lorc tickled me so hard I nearly started screaming it was amazing. I wish you were there" I chuckled at her when she finished her long speech about how amazing Germany was. And about how fun her 'Lorc' was, but I chose to ignore the obvious.

"Now that's a talent Rose. Rambling on for thirty minutes without stopping. You are talented."

"Hey! Have I ever made any comment about your talent for zoning out of a conversation suddenly? You are so dazed all the time they should make a poster for you. Keep calm and stay dazed."

I goggled at her
"I am absolutely not that dazed!"
"Oh yes you are "
"Am not"
"Are too"

"Oh bless these two. They start fighting even before the sun has risen." Came a voice. Rose and I turned around to see James standing standing behind us.

"It brings a tear to my eyes honestly " came a voice and Fred appeared beside him, wiping fake tears from his eyes.

"Oh shut the bloody hell up" said Rosie getting up. I got up along with her.

"Tut tut Rosie talking to your elder brothers like that? I wonder what aunt Hermione will say" James smirked at Rose.
"Wait, If we are going to tell our mothers something how about I tell both of yours about all the 126 detentions you got last year?" Rose smirked back. I stifled a laughter, at the duo, who now looked paler than me. And that's saying something.

"What're you smirking at Malfoy? Does your mummy know about the detention you got last year?"
"Wait, You got a detention last year?" Rose turned to glare at me.

"Uh-huh.... "I said weakly. Damn that girl is scary.

"What! How? When! Why?"
"Uh, I got caught in the restricted section at midnight by Filch."
"And what were you doing in the restricted section at midnight?"

" Reading about protection from dark spells."

"Why do you need that book?"
"Light reading! "
"That's not light reading! It's dark reading!" James and Fred snorted.

"It is!"
"It isn't."

And here we go again. This has been my relationship with Rose Weasley for all these years.

Oh Merlin. This relationship of ours. May it never change.

Word Count: 718

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