A Boost Of Confidence

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"Can you stop? Honestly Zoe. This is getting annoying." I turned my head to look at Zoë who was grinning from ear to ear.
"I can't help it bub. Getting to see you act is a once in a life time opportunity."

I huffed and pushed the door to my dorm open. As expected, Ali came barreling towards me, and tackled me in a big hug.
"I'm so sorry Rosie, I just heard." She whispered against my neck.

You see, the news of Scorpius and my "break up" had spread throughout the school like wildfire. Everywhere, nosey students were discussing the new piece of gossip, the news was so widespread, that I had already received three baskets of Chocolates from my mother, grandma and aunt Ginny.

"It's okay Ali. I'm over it" I said waving my hand at her.

"You're over it? What the hell Rosie? You guys were it love. Why you both broke up is still a mystery to me, but seeing you like this, like none of it ever mattered is wierd. I thought you would've been bawling all over the place!" Ali exclaimed.

"That would've been better honestly." Zoe whispered in my ear.
Shooting Zoe a look, I turned towards Ali.

"It's not that I'm not bothered about it Ali, I am, but, I don't know, I guess I don't have anymore tears left to cry. I spent the entire last night crying in Lily's dorm and she had to put a charm on me to make sure no one could tell I cried." This was a complete lie, yes, I hadn't returned last night, but that was because I was playing Wizards Chess with Lily, Frank, Lorcan and Scorp.

"Why didn't you come to me? Honey I would've taken care of you! I thought that's what best friends do!" Ali said looking hurt.

I sighed guiltily. "Lily found me before anyone else did Ali, I couldn't help but get dragged into her dorm."

"But still..." Ali looked down with a defeated expression.

"I'm going to kill someone- Ali! Why are you sulking? Is it still about Albus?" Scarlett said walking into the room with an annoyed expression.

"Who pissed in your pumpkin juice?" Zoe gave Scar an irritated glare.

"We've been getting cornered by every Tom, Dick and Harry in this school just so that we could answer questions about your break up, Rosie. Scar's just pissed off because she was late to Potions and Bulstrode's making her do extra work." Hazel said slipping in behind Scarlett.

"And why is Bulstrode making me do extra work Haze?" Scar gave Hazel a hard and piercing glare.

"Because Mandy Rotwiegler wanted to know whether you and Scorpius broke it off because he was dying of dragon pox." Haze sighed.

I huffed. Sometimes people at Hogwarts could get very annoying. Fake break up or not, it was personal, and people needed to keep their noses out of my business.

"This is getting out of hand guys. I've got to do something about it." I sighed and got up from the table I was perched upon. "Let's go for lunch."


Once in the Great Hall, I sat next to Lysander and watched people pile in. Once I was absolutely sure, that everyone was in the hall, I stood up on the Ravenclaw tabled and banged my plate with a Laden.

"Okay listen up all of you. Yes. Scorpius Malfoy and I have broken up. Nobody cheated on anyone, no one's parents intervened, and no one is dying of dragon pox for fucks sake!" I shot Mandy Rotwiegler a nasty look. "Why we broke up is between us, and we would like it if you all kept your noses out of our business, I hope I made my point. Peace out."
And I sat back down. I was piling up my plate with food, when I realized that people were still silent and staring at me.
"Yeah no, you can all stop staring at me and eat your food by the way." Everyone turned to resume whatever they were doing before.
Lysander patted me on the back. "Who knew Prissy miss perfect had the guts to do this?"
I scowled at him with my mouth full.

"You and Lily fought huh?" I asked him while shoving a spoonful of pie into my face. Ly was rarely at our table, and even if he was, Lil was with him. Now noticing the lack of eye contact and skin ship I had started growing suspicious.

"No! What! No! No! What gives you that idea?! No!"
I smirked.

"Okay...I'll just ask Lily then, I mean, I know she twists and turns the story to make it sound like she wasn't at fault... But hey! You never wanted to answer me!" 

"Okay fine! So the ball, I was about to ask her to it, I mean we were both together and laughing and suddenly Bella something from fourth year runs up to me and asks me to the ball. Since I was anticipating Lil's answer to be yes, I accidentally said yes to Bella. Now Lily is angry with me, Bella thinks I'm going to the ball with her, and I don't want either of it to actually happen. See?"

I hummed. "Why didn't you say no to Bella afterwards?" Lorcan intervened.

"I panicked bro! How're you supposed to walk up to a girl who's younger than you fyi, and say that you don't want to go to a ball with her?"

I raised my eyebrows.
"Like this." I turned to Bella and waved at her to get her attention.

"Hey Bells! So I'm sure you didn't know about Lily and Lysander's relationship, but yeah they're in one and Lysander said yes to you unknowingly, and now it's causing problems between the two of them. I hope you understand that Lysander can't go to the ball with you..." Bella, who was surprisingly understanding, apologized profusely to Ly and asked him to get his girl.
"There you go homie. It's all good." All three of us stood up together, Lysander running towards the Gryffindor table towards Lily, while Lorcan and I joined the crowd to get out.

"That's the second time you've spoken up today. That's some powerful tongue you've got their." Lorcan hummed.

"Speaking is not the only thing my tongue is good at" I winked at him while smirking.
While Lorcan choked at my comment, I felt a warm hand snake around my waist.

"Before you go around spewing such comments to other guys, remember this is a fake break up sweetheart." I turned around to see Scorpius with a look of fake anger on his face.

I winked at him and turned to leave, when he pulled me close.
"And that was quite a speech you gave in their Rosie. I was surprised at such an act by prissy miss perfect."

I glared at him.
"Why is everyone calling me that today?"

He laughed and waved me goodbye as more people started entering the corridor we were in.

This boy I swear to god.

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