Daddy Dear, I'm Dating A Malfoy

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The very disappointing yet true conversation between my cousins brought me back to real life. My father was Ronald Bilius Weasley. He hated Draco Malfoy, and I, was dating Draco Malfoy's very son.

   I was hopeful though. Over the past few years, my family has gotten quite accustomed to Scorp. Mum liked him, she thought he was a perfect gentleman. Hugo, well Hugo likes everyone. But he likes Scorp even better because of his awesome wizard chess skills. Dad, well he was biased. He really liked Scorpius, but he hated his father. So basically, my dad was torn between his pride and my happiness. And being Ron Weasley, he values both a lot.

    Grandpa and grandma were obviously fond of Scorp. Grandma being Molly Weasley, was determined that Scorp was too skinny and in need to be stuffed. And Grandpa, well he was just too invested in Scorpius's muggle studies class. Yes, he did take it. Despite his father's protests and fury, he took it. And he tops it every year.

    My cousins loved him, and my aunts and uncles were fond of him as well. Though for some reason, Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny like him better than the rest. Probably because he was the only one barring us, that stood up for Al when he got sorted into Slytherin.

     Shaking away all my thoughts, I made my way towards the Ravenclaw compartment. I will have to stay positive. Thinking makes matters ten times worse.

I stopped outside the compartment door with a slight grimace. Remove all unnecessary thoughts from your mind Rose.

Expecting everything to be normal, I walked in. But the thing is, with friends like mine, things are hardly ever normal.

The room smelt of roses. Hazel was sprawled on a seat half reading half sleeping oh and also, listening to music.
Ali was tickling an ugly looking plant while it moved vigorously and Scarlett , Scarlett was sitting criss cross on the floor with the Quibbler open in front of her and a juice can in her hand. And Zoe was covered with roses and chocolates. That explains the smell.

I raised my eyebrows as I made to sit down beside Ali and Scarlett.

"Were you visited by cupid himself today? " I asked Zoe.

She huffed.  " No actually. I was visited by someone else. I've been meaning to ask you something Rose, Does... Uh, this is wierd... I'm... Does your cousin brother James have a ... A thing for me? "

I jerked my head towards Ali. She looked horrified. No one except for the Wotter clan and Co. Was supposed to know about James's crush on Zoe... Not even our significant others... And Zoe getting to know it herself.... This is a nightmare.

" what are you talking about Zoe ? James is a Playboy... He doesn't have a 'thing' for anyone... "  I lied smoothly.

She nodded, deep in thought.

" But then, why would he run inside our compartment, with roses and chocolates, yelling these are for you, throwing it on Zoe and scampering, if he didn't have a 'thing' for her? "   Hazel asked me.

" oh yeah... Um that was for me!! James wanted to give 'em to me... But he missed.. Yeah... " Ali quickly retorted.

" But then.. " Scar started when the compartment door burst open.

A disheveled looking Scorpius Malfoy stood in the doorway, looking as though he had just witnessed a death.

" Uh.. Rosie, can I talk to you for a moment... Outside? " He said.

I followed him outside. Relieved to ditch the conversation.

" Have I ever mentioned that you're my hero? " I told him before he could say anything.

Despite his disgruntled manner, he smirked. "Nope. But it's always good to know... Why though?"

As I filled him in on what happened inside the compartment, he nodded, trying to act wise.

"Maybe when the time comes, they'll find each other. People meant to be together Always find each other. "  he said smiling.

I shook my head

" That's just a big pile of BS. It isn't true.. "
" Isn't it? I mean we found each other... "

I gaped at him. When did Scorpius Malfoy become so cheesy?

He grinned on kissed me on the cheek.

" But, that's not why I'm here though. Rose... I'm scared. I'm really scared. You know how much Mr. Weasley scares me already. He hates my dad, who incidentally hates him right back. I really don't know whether he approved of our friendship before, but now that we're dating and I've snogged you, I can only hope he doesn't kill me. Which is a very real possibility. What if he never allows us to meet again? What if I can never see you again? Why if he sends you to Durmstrang in Bulgaria and you fall in love with some hot big guy? What if I die alone? What if Rosie?! I think we should tell him straight away. Otherwise he'll find out and go ballistic. They'll probably find my body in some dark hidden Shady alley a month later.... I can die childless!! "

I sighed. Even though this boy was hopeless. He was right... Kind of.

" Scorp. Breathe. My dad likes you. I think. And even if he doesn't, it's because he hates your dad. My huge family is kind of wise, you know... They'll bring him back to his senses. Specially my mum. He'll listen to her... She already knows about our relationship though.... I hope she hasn't told him. "

" I don't know Ro. Do you have a fake ID? " He asked me suddenly.

" Why the hell will I have a fake ID?! " I asked him truly bewildered.

" We could get you one, then we can elope to Canada and live a long life there with changed names!! "

I laughed the his stupidity and cuteness.

" Oh come off it Scorpius!! My dad won't kill us!! He'll accept you! He loves me too much to see me broken Scorp... He'll accept you for me. " I told him soothingly.

" Well... We'll have to see that. We'll be seeing that in a few seconds really. "

And sure enough, the whistle sounded. We had arrived at Kings Cross Station in London.

As I dragged my trunk off the train, I made a beeline towards my parents. After a cheerful hug from both and a wink from mom, I was convinced that my father had no idea that Scorp and I were dating. Great.

I waited till we all got in our cars, (Scorpius with the Potters) till I broached the topic.

"Dad? D'you remember my first boyfriend Dave McLaggen? "

He grunted in response.
"Never liked that boy. Too moronic ."

"Yeah... Hey at least he's better than Scorpius! " I continued.

" What?! No! Scorpius is such a sweetheart compared to that moron! " he exclaimed.

" Dad.. Do you like Scorpius?" I carefully threaded into the dangerous waters.

"He's fine. Nothing like his jerk of a father though. "

" uhhh daddy? "

" Yes princess? "

" I'm Dating Scorpius Malfoy. "

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