No Boyfriend Till Christmas

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Well as it turns out, Zoe and Haze were actually pretty good chasers and Connor and Scarlett made a great team as beaters. Since  the rest of us were already on the team, it was an easy win.

   Currently, I was rushing towards the changing room with the rest of my friends as it was way past curfew. Not that I'm scared of Filch, but if you haven't noticed, I'm a real sucker for rules.

  After changing into my royal blue Weasley jumper and black slacks, I set off to the Ravenclaw common room with my Ravenclaw buddies. I was about to head inside, when someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around to see Scorp standing behind me, with small smile on his face.

"hey! Long time no see! "

" hi... Uh Rose umm... I noticed that you haven't been hanging around with and Al recently... Is something wrong? "

Yeah. Your public 'sessions'  with your girlfriend. Like I could tell him that. I wish I could.

" nope. Nothing at all. "

" really? Uh.. Nothing? "

What's the deal with him?

" no not really. Do you want something to be wrong? "

" nah. I just thought that my spending time with Jessy might be bothering you. "

I almost scowled. Did he want to be kicked in the balls?
Instead I smiled sweetly.
" Why would that bother me Scorp? You're my friend. I want you to be happy. And if spending time with your girlfriend does that for you, then I'm willing to go with it. "

His smile dropped.

" oh. "  haha! Jokes on you Malfoy. I'm just too good at this.

" uh so" he continued "do you want to hang out with me and Al tomorrow?"

I thought about it. Spending time with him and Al sounded good, but these days, Scorp was followed by 'Jessy' wherever he went. And when ever they were together, they made out. Gross. I think I'll pass.

" oh sorry Scorp I can't. I'm busy tomorrow. We'll hang out sometime else. "  when you break up with queen bitch more like it.

His face dropped again.

" why are you busy? Studying? We can help with that? " yeah. And seeing you and your bitch glued together at my sacred place, my holy, library, no thanks.

" no I'm actually busy with... Uh... " and I trailed off. What should I use an excuse, Quidditch practice? He knows it's only on Fridays and Wednesdays. Study? I just said no to that.... Suddenly, my savior appeared from behind me.

" Oh she's busy with me. " Lorcan smiled at Scorpius.

" excuse me? With you? "

I decided to speak up.

" oh yeah! Uh Lorcan and I had to help Lysander buy Lily a present. You know, it's her birthday on 21st and since we're going home for Christmas we won't have time later. You know packing. " I smiled at my amazing excuse.

" so can I tag along? " will he ever give up?!

" oh hell no man! " Lorcan exclaimed.

" may I ask why Scammander? " Scorp asked Lorc menacingly.

" dude,  when ever you're together with your girlfriend, you're smooching. And you and your girlfriend are always together!! Trust me it makes us all uncomfortable. "

Scorp turned towards me. And i smiled awkwardly at him. Oh, wait, he was waiting for me to contradict Lorc. How could I do that!? Lorcan had literally taken  the words out of my mouth!

" what? Don't even look at me. You're my best friend, and the fact that we can't even hang out because you're glued to your girlfriend 24/7 speaks tons."

He raised his eyebrows at me.

"So that's why we're not hanging out? Because you don't like me and my girlfriend kissing? "

I could have sworn his eyes sparkled for a moment.

" yes! " I exclaimed. " how would you feel if I kissed Lorcan in front of you 24/7?! " oh damn.

Lorcan mimicked a girl giggling and swatted my arm.
" oh Rosie you make me blush" he then he mimicked blushing.

I burst out laughing. Scorpius did not.

" I would be fine. Because I respect my friend's choices. " he said with his fists clenched. Yeah right.

" oh really? " Lorcan raised his eyebrows at Scorp.

Oh no. These two were always at it whenever they were together. And since it was already past curfew, I didn't want to get caught with two boys hexing each other's arses off.

" Lorcan? Please be a sweetheart and wait for me near the fireplace. "

" anything for you Ro"
And he skipped inside after giving Scorpius a 'look'

" for the record? yes really. " replied Scorp with a small victorious smile on his face.

Fine. He asked for it.

" we'll see that when I get a boyfriend Scorpius. " he turned to look at me sharply.

" what? " He asked me.

"I said. That when I get a boyfriend, I'll smooch him everytime we're anywhere near your sight. Will you like it Then?"

He frowned at me.

" no. I wouldn't. " he said flatly and I smiled.

However, he continued. "because I wouldn't like your dad, your uncle Harry and James running behind the poor bloke firing spells of turning a person into a ferret " (heehee)

I burst out laughing.

" that is a possibility. " I said between giggles.

He smiled at me and added.
" of course they would have to wait for him to recover though, I'm sure Al and I would've already made sure that he ends up in the hospital wing with three heads and a tail. "

I scowled at him.

" why would you want to turn him into Fluffy? "

" Fluffy??" He gaped at me. He obviously was unaware of the golden trio 's first adventure together.

"nothing. Although you should head back to the Slytherin common room. It's way past curfew. "

He stuck his tongue out at me.

" unlike you Weasley, I ain't a sucker for rules. "

I hit his arm lightly..

" now I'm not going to hug you good night. "

He laughed and pulled me into a hug.

" although, I wouldn't want you getting a boyfriend any time before Christmas. " he said as he pulled away.

" why? What's on Christmas? "

" nothing. " he winked at me and started towards the Slytherin common room. But then he stopped mid way he turned and ran towards me.

" if I find a way to ditch Jessica, then can I come with your and Scammander? "

I smirked. " why? Trouble in Paradise? "

" oh come on she ain't no paradise. She's more like Tartarus. "

" didn't realize she was that bad of a kisser. "

" eh.... She's fine. But she's annoying and clingy and irritating and clingy and clingy and clin-"

"okay I get it. Fine you can come. "

" thanks Rose. "
" your welcome Scorpius. "
" Goodnight. "
" Goodnight. "

And I walked into the Ravenclaw common room. My heart filled with new found happiness.

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