Let The Hunger Games Begin.

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One. Name.
One. Person.
One. Huge. Git .

One. Lorcan. Scammander.

That boy is going down. I'm going to show him who's better for Rose.



" Potion sucks " said Al
" that's because you suck at it Albie!!" retorted Rose
" don't Call Me Albie "
" she's right you know.... You do suck at potions. " I smirked at Al
" you're just saying that because you like her. " Albus said.
I looked at him with wide eyes. As Rose just stared at me her mouth forming an O. When I didn't say anything, she said,
" you like me?! "
" nooooo.... "

" No?!? " whisper yelled Albus Potter as Rose ran in front to talk to her Squad mates. (or to get away from me...)

" You absolute arse!! Can't you see what you're doing!!! Look at that!!"

As Many Ravenclaw boys swaggered away from the potions class room, Lorcan Scammander winked at Rose as he passed. Anger boiled inside me as she blushed and waved at him. As  Zoe mimed kissing and  Hazel laughed Ali looked at me and shook her head.
She made her way to me and said, " when in the world are you ever going to tell her that you like her?"
I stared at her dumbstruck
"whaaaat? Me like her... Psh no!! "
She raised her eyebrows

" Honey did you forget it was me who actually noticed you staring at her the day we met?"

"oh right.... "

" oh my gawd. Ali you know what... I think we should lock them up in a cupboard to confess their feelings... So clueless... " said Al rolling his eyes at me.

"do you know who is most clueless about his feelings?" I glared at Albus.

"I don't know.... You maybe " Ali grinned as I scowled and Albus puffed out his chest a little.

These two I swear...

" what's going on ?! " came a voice and we all turned around to see James Potter smirking.

Shit. No.

One thing about James.
He is very protective of all his female cousins. Including Rose. Especially Rose.

" Scorpius has this huge crush on Rose and he refuses to tell her an-"
Albus's eyes widened as he realized whom he was talking to. James looked at me with utmost fury and for a second I thought he was going to hex me.
He didn't, he pulled me by my collar to God knows where,

"Fred! Call the 911 squad. Disclude Rose. " he yelled and as Fred scuttled away with a salute,  Al and Ali ran behind me looking incredibly guilty.

Few minutes later,  I was sitting in a Gryffindor dormitory surrounded by the entire Wotter clan and Co. Children discluding Rose and the Scammanders. Yup. Even the graduated ones. 

"so.. " began Teddy Lupin " you are Scorpius Malfoy right? "

" Teddy, I'm your second cousin... You know me... " I raised an eyebrow

" For the sake of it answer my question Scorpius!!! "

" uh..... Yeah..... I'm Scorpius Malfoy. " I smirked and waved at everyone as though it was the first time I was meeting them.

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