What Is Wrong With Everyone?!

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I woke up to find Alice's smiling face hovering a few inches above mine.

Not the best way to wake up.

"AAAAAAHH!!! Ali!!! What is wrong with you!!! "

" I see you're up Rosie.. "

" I saw that too.. " I awkwardly muttered as I got out of bed and put my slippers on.

" I noticed we have Defense against the Dark arts with the Slytherins today... "

" ohkay....? "

" I also noticed that you sit with Lorcan during the class usually... "

" uh-huh... " this girl was creeping me out...

" say, can you sit with Scorp instead of Lorcan today? "

" why? "

" uh because... You know Change is good sometimes... And... Uh and yeah... Yeah change... "
What is wrong with her?

" wait a minute.... Is this a trick to get Albus to sit next to you" I asked.
Her face lit up.

"yeah!! And that!!!!"

"Gosh Ali!! At least try to be subtle about your crush " I grumbled making my way towards the washroom.

" wait a minute!!! What crush?!" she screeched as I closed the door on her face, grinning.


After a nice long bath, I made my way towards the Ravenclaw table. Lorcan grinned at waved at me motioning for me to sit next to him. I was about head towards him when a hurricane otherwise known as Fred Weasley and James Potter came and caught me.

"Rosie. " said James
" James. Fred. " I said acknowledging then as I tried to push pass them towards the Ravenclaw table.

" oh not so quick Rosey Posey "
" what do you want!? " I wailed
" We just wanted to spend time with our favorite cousin!! "
" aren't you two each other's favorite cousins? " I asked getting suspicious.
" what Jamiekins  ment was, our mutual favorite cousin " Fred grinned.

" guys, I appreciate you calling me your favorite cousin but I need to spend some time with my friends! "

" so your friends are more more important than your family? "

I melted at this. Oh the guilt trip.

" fine! But just today. "

They both squealed as they pushed me towards the Gryffindor table. This needs I reached there they squished me between Al and Scorp.

" what're you two doing here? ".
" what're you doing here? " Al replied cheekily.

" James and Fred. " I huffed

" well we just wanted to sit here for a change. Problem? "

"  no... "

" bacon?! . " Scorpius said piling up my plate." or sausage or d'you want an omelette? " He put it all in anyways

" yeah... Anything...  " I trailed off.

All during Breakfast, the rest of my family stole glances at me and Scorpius and winked at him as he grinned at them. When did Scorpius Malfoy get along with The Wotter clan and Co.??

What the hell wrong with them?


After a considerably refreshing breakfast, I headed down, to my DADA classroom. There I found Lorcan leaning at the door scowling at me.

" hey there. Didn't see you at Breakfast. " he said grumpily.
" Lorc I'm so sorry. My family has really good guilt trips. "
" well you can make up for it... "
" how!?"
And just then Scorpius Malfoy appeared behind him.

" Aah!! Rosie!!  The class is open shall we go in? Perfect!! " without waiting for an answer his hand curled on my wrist and he pulled me inside the classroom. Sending an agitated and confused Lorcan a 'sorry'  look,  I sat down next to Scorp,  who was grinning excitedly at me as if his birthday had come early.

What is wrong with him?


The rest of my day was surprisingly spent by Scorpius by my side. The whole time.

When I went down to the Great Hall I avoided crashing into any member of my family. And mind you.  Avoiding my family, is a herculean task.
As I finally reached the Great Hall,  I ran towards the Ravenclaw table. No kidding. I actually ran. As I squeezed myself between Lorcan and Scar, I looked up to see my entire family (Wotter and Co.) and Scorpius scowling at me. I childishly stuck my tongue out at them and started talking to Lorcan.

"tell me, how can I make it up to you? "
" you ca-"

"Rose!! It's so wonderful I found you!!! I really wanted to tell you something come on!! let's go to my dorm!" I looked up to see the brightly smiling face of Lily Luna Potter.

" Lily I'm eating food. And talking to my friends. "

" Lils don't take her away" smiled Lorc.

" OK so I'll sit here with you guys. I had to tell you Rose about  how Lysander and I made out ne-"

" Rose GO!!! " Lorcan shrieked while fake-puking

" Let's go honey " said Lily as she discreetly made a thumbs at the Gryffindor table and they grinned at her.

What's wrong with everyone!!

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