All We Know

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Disturbing? Yes. Unpleasant? Maybe. Angering? Definitely.

It had been seven days exactly  since Al and Zabini had gotten together. And they were acting as if they had been together their entire lives. Neither of them noticed how much they were hurting Ali and Lorc.
Right now, I was trying to get Ali out from the common room, to take her to Hogsmead.

" oh come on Ali, let's get some fresh air, some butterbeer, some chocolates, oh come on!! You love chocolate! " I tried.

" Rose please. Just go without me. I really don't want to see Al and Zabini sucking each other's faces today. I'm not in the mood. Besides, it's yours and Scorp's first date. Please go. I don't wanna third wheel. "

" first of all, Al and Zabini won't be at Hogsmead, Headmistress McGonagall has given them detention for being caught in a broom cupboard  last night. And second of all, it isn't our first date, that was day before, and Scorp and I actually want you to come with us. " I told her

" And besides, you won't be third wheeling alone. I'll be there too. " I smiled as Ali turned to see a heavily decked up Lorcan.

" you're going too? Fine. I'll come. Give me a second. " she ran upstairs to the girl dormitories. I turned towards Lorc and ruffled his hair.

" You're okay right? " I asked him. He smiled sadly.
" I'm fine. She never was mine really. I guess it was stupid to think that Skye Zabini, Queen Bitch, would fall for me. It's just sore. "

" Lorcan.... I promise you. I'll find you someone who's worth your love. Not someone who doesn't even notice your good heart. "

" you'll do that for me? " He asked me surprised.
" of course! " I replied. " that's what best friends are for. "


When we met Scorp at the great Hall, Breakfast was already over.

" hey guys! " he said as we reached him. Ali and Lorc scowled at turned away as we kissed, and then we were off to Hogsmead.

When at Hogsmead, we sat down at the three broomsticks.
" so you guys, how's the relationship going on? " Ali asked us, seeming happy suddenly . Maybe it was because Al and Zabini weren't here.

" it's really good. Though I don't think anything has changed... We still fight alot, read alot, play Quidditch alot.. "  Scorp replied

" except for the occasional PDA, right?  Oh wait not occasional, regular. " Lorc retorted.

" shut up and drink your butterbeer. " I ordered him.

" hey guys has anyone packed yet? " Ali asked us.

" what?! You haven't packed?! I told you that we'll be leaving today night instead of tomorrow! Why haven't you packed?! "

" uhhh, I haven't packed yet too... " Lorc said guiltily

" what? Scorp, you've packed right? "  but my oh-so-responsible boyfriend just determinedly looked in the opposite direction while drinking is butterbeer.

I just got up and growled at all of them. Putting some sickles on the table, I muttered 'irresponsible morons'  and walked out. I knew they would all follow me so, I ran towards the shrieking shack.

The shrieking shack was like a refuge for us Wotter children. None of our Friends knew about it. Whenever we wanted to escape the stress, or chill away from our friends, we kids came here. Knowing that those three wouldn't find me here, I walked inside the Hall. Uncle Harry and mum had made sure that we had all fun supplies stocked up. I was about to go straight into the computer room, when I heard laughing from one of the rooms. Pulling out my wand, I cautiously walked towards the door. Pulling the door open, I saw Al  with James. They both were Rolling on the floor laughing. Together. They never laugh together. Mostly at each other, but never together. When they noticed me, they immediately straightened up. I walked inside my eyebrows raised.

" is the world ending? Is the apocalypse here? Are James and Albus Potter really laughing together? "

While Albus scowled at me, James raised his eyebrows.

" what an Apocalypse? "He asked me.

" nevermind." I said as I rolled my eyes.  "so what's Up?!" 

"aah nothing much... We were just watching TV. " Al replied.

" please tell me you weren't binge watching Friends without me!! " I cried.

" then we'll be lying. And I don't lie.... So I'll leave. " and James picked up his coat and scarpered away.

I turned towards Al. He smiled at me and motioned for me to sit.

I sat down with my arms crossed. I still had my mind set up on how much he had hurt Ali.

" what're you playing at Al? " I asked him unable to control myself.

" what? "

" oh come off it! Everyone at school knows that you like Ali! You always have! Then why would you want to break her heart by dating Skye Zabini?! Do you think it's endearing? Fun? It's not. If anything, it'll get you farther away from her."

"but, but it worked for Scorp... He got you..."

"yeah... But that was after he broke up with Jessica. And meanwhile... Don't tell him my this.... I almost said yes to Jack Wood from an year above us. The jealousy didn't make me want him... It made me not want him. "

" yeah but- wait Jack Wood asked you out?! "

" yes, but we're getting off topic."

"Uh no. I've got to call the 911 squad Rose. Some guy asked you out and we didn't even get to know?! "

I snorted.

" Alby dear, I've had boyfriends in the past and you never came to know. This was just asking me out. " I said coolly.

His expression was priceless.

" WHAT?! "

" yep. Now about Ali. Do you like her. Yes or no. "

" yes.. No... No... Yes.... No... Yes... I. I. Yes... No.. I love her! " he said.

I smiled contently. "then dump Zabini."

" say yes. " I pulled out my wand and put it on his throat. He gulped.
" yes"

"YES!! " I grinned as he shouted something about me cheating.

" come on. Let's go up for lunch"

When we got out of the whomping willow he told me,  "I thought you wouldn't talk to me.."

I was taken aback. "why would you think that?!"

" Because Ali is your best friend... So I thought.. "

" you're my best friend too Al, you're my brother. I can't ever be angry with you for long. "

" that's true. This is all we know."

"true. "

And as I walked back to the castle with my cousin, I couldn't be more happier. Everything was alright.

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