Who Likes Who Now?!

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I dodged, I ducked, I ran. That's how I managed to get rid of Jessica Nott..... And Albus Potter.


After I had bid goodbye to Rose and was making way to my dormitory yesterday, I was cornered by a disgruntled looking Fred Weasley.

"ummm..... Hi? " I said as hi glared at me.

" what do you think you're playing at? Telling us that you love our Rosie, but running around snogging Nott all over the place?! "

" again. It wasn't my idea. It was Albus's. "

He groaned as he ran a hand through his hair.

" how many times should we tell you not to take advice from him! He can't sort out his own love life, let alone yours! "

" eh, sorry I guess I - wait, you know about his crush on Ali?! " I was truly bewildered. We're we boys that obvious?

" duh! I won't be surprised if half of Britain doesn't know by now. Both of these Potter boys are hopeless. One is pushing his feelings deep down and the other is asking his younger cousin for am idea to get them together ASAP. "

I smirked.

" James has a crush on someone? "

He nodded now smirking himself.

" Zoe O'Connor "

I raised my eyebrows.

" isn't she Rose's best friend? "
" yup. Who do you think he asked for the advice? "
" He asked Rose? "
" Uh-huh. "

" wow! When did this happen? "
" today. Everything bad happened today. First Rose and her entourage kicked our ass in Quidditch, then James fell in love. I seriously shouldn't have pranked Trelawney. "

I grinned. You pranked Trelawney? How?"

He gave me a smug grin.

" replaced her cup of tea with  a cup of goo. "

I wrinkled my nose in disgust.  "Why would you do that?!"

He gave me an 'obvious' look.
I shrugged.
" Well. I'll try my best to avoid Jessica and Al tomorrow. Wouldn't wanna jinx it. "

" jinx what? "
" oh I didn't tell you? Rose and I are going to Hogsmead together tomorrow. To hel-"

"IS IT A DATE?!?! " he grinned from ear to ear.

" nope. The Scammanders are coming too. We have to buy gifts for Lily. "

" dang I forgot her birthday was coming. Well anyways, avoid Al and Jessica. If ya need help, don't bother asking. I'm busy tomorrow. See you later."

I laughed to myself. These Weasleys will be the end of me.


When I finally got down to Hogsmead, I made a beeline for the three broomsticks, where I found Scammander, Scammander and Rose sitting.

Rose waved me over and Lysander nodded his head. And Lorcan just chugged his butterbeer with a frown.

As soon as I reached the table, and pulled a chair, Rose handed me a glass of butterbeer and whispered in my ear.
" don't bring up Skye Zabini. "

" what happened? "
" I'll tell you later... "

I watched as Lorcan Scammander glared down at his empty glass with his arms crossed, and looked at Rose. I was about to open my mouth when Lysander shook his head violently. I shrugged and drained my butterbeer.

Rose got up and took out a few sickels. I was about to tell her that I'll get it. I even pulled out my money bag, but she glared at me and payed it herself.

Oops I almost forgot her Ron Weasley pride when it came to money. Needless to say, he made sure his children always had the money he had always craved, heck Rose got more pocket money than I did. And her house was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. It was suitable for the minister of magic to live in. And Hermione Granger was the minister for magic. Huh.

As we exited the Three Broomsticks.I noticed that Skye Zabini was staring at Lorcan wide eyed. I raised my eyebrows.
"hey guys, why is - "
" Honeydukes empty? I was wondering the same thing! " Rose interrupted.
" actually I was saying that - "
" Scorp, I needed to talk to you too! "

Rose pulled me aside.
" I'll tell you during dinner Scorp please! Just don't mention her! " she begged me.

I nodded. I did hear her, but I was still mesmerized by the fact that her hands were in mine. It wasn't the first time, but yet, it was..... Amazing.

She seemed to notice it the very next moment and immediately pulled her hand away. I smiled and took her hand on mine.

She raised her eyebrows but didn't object.

"let's go. Lorc will start getting suspicious. "

And we went and joined the Scammanders. Our hands still in each other's.

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