Sisters Before Misters

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It was a relief talking to Al. The stress of classes, relationships, positions and responsibilities  were getting to me. My outburst in Hogsmead earlier had been a result of that exactly. Talking to my closest cousin was like a cool breeze in the hot summer season. Even though it was peak winter. You know what I mean.
    Me laughing at his lame puns and him reacting to my plans for James and Zoe was something that brought back alot of old memories. Just memories of two cousins closer than siblings. I could never let go of this dufus even if I wanted to. He was a part of me.

Currently, we were  walking back from the shrieking shack while discussing family.

" No Rose. You see James likes Fred way more than Zoe and he respects bro code more than anything so.... I'm pretty sure he won't give up pranking people for Zoe. Fred is worth much more than that. For him. "   he said wisely.

" I don't know Al, he said that he was willing to change himself for her and since those goody two shoes boys are really her type,... James might have to change himself or he won't stand a chance. "  I retorted.

" A relationship should be between two people willing to change themselves for the other. Sacrifices should be made from both sides. "

" But you don't get it. Zoe doesn't even like James. He isn't her type. "

" Ro. That's exactly your job. You have to make James her type. Make her like bad boys. James is the epitome of bad boys. "

" I can do that...." I smiled, if anyone could get influenced quickly, it was Zoe.

I was about to say something further when I was faced by a fuming Scorpius Malfoy.

" hi. Rose Weasley? I'm your boyfriend Scorpius Malfoy. Remember me? "

It struck me just then that I had left those three at Hogsmead without any information on my whereabouts. I had always intended to return, but I had gotten distracted by Al.

" hi?"  I smiled meekly.

" hi?  You said hi? Rose I was so worried. No telling us where you were.......... " and he went on and on for an entire hour. By the time he was finished , dinner was almost finished.

" do you see that Malfoy?! Dinner is almost finished! I can't miss food! Shout at me some time  later. My brethren summons me. " I gestured towards the tables with decreasing amounts of food.

Scorp scowled at me, following me towards the Gryffindor table. I sat beside Al and started pulling my food on a plate. I started stuffing my food into my mouth like James, Lily, Fred, Louis and Roxy.

Scorp winced at the sight of me eating.

" so lady like. "  he muttered.

I frowned at him.

" you're the reason I almost my food. Shut up and let me eat however I want to. I couldn't care less about being lady like. "

He looked at me like I was deranged.
Him and his proper Malfoy genes.

I shrugged and continued eating. When I was finally finished Al, Scorp and I got up from the table and started towards the door when I spotted my Ravenclaw people.
Turning towards the boys, I said, "so I'm gonna make a beeline towards my Ravenclaw chaps, see you boys later."

Scorp glanced at The Ravenclaw table, "Rosie, it was our first trip to Hogsmead together."  he said sighing. I immediately felt bad. Thus was supposed to be our first real date and I had ditched him for my cousin leaving him with two heartbroken saps.

" I'm so  sorry Scorp. But really, it was kinda your own fault. Why can't you pack when I tell you to? You know leaving things for the last moment is not my kind of thing. "

" I know. " he said pulling me closer.  " I'm sorry I forgot but we do have to get a real date sometime soon. "

" I promise you Scorp we'll head to the Ottery Saint Catcherpole market the day we arrive at the burrow. Fine? "

He grinned.  " but no Lorcan, Ali or Al this time ok? "

I kissed him on the nose.
" I can't promise you that. Sisters Before misters Scorp. "

Al raised an eyebrow at me.
" should I be offended that you're calling me a sister? "

I waved at them as I ran to catch up with my fellow Ravenclaws.

Sisters Before Misters.

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