Surprise Me

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Same artist as in the description.

Part One: The Prince's Debt

30 days until I go mad.

"So," I finish, "that's where the other half of my wand went."

"What about your sister?" Mom asks.

"Don't know," I reply, "and I don't care. Anyways, that's why the wand is broken. She has the other half, and when I retake my birthright, I'm taking her wand."

"Well," dad asks, "now wouldn't be a good day to try that."

"Why not?" I inquire, "I mean, I'm not ready yet anyways, but, why not today in particular?"

"I'm pretty sure that Marcie would want you here for her 15th birthday," mom explains, "it's today you know, and we're celebrating it at seven."

"That's today?" I ask, "I didn't get her a gift!"

"It's fine," dad smiles, "I mean, you've been on Earth for only a while now, she won't mind."

"I do," I sigh, "look, you guys have all done so much for me. Expessialy Marcie. I'm indebted to all of you, and that's an understatement. Let me handle everything. Consider it a thank you gift for giving me a home. I'm a prince after all, I know a thing or two about parties."

Mom and dad exchange a look. Dad shrugs. Mom sighs, "alright kid. We trust you. Go on ahead."

"Thanks," I smile, "you won't regret it. I'll go ahead and get started!"

I dash up to my room. What the Hell have I gotten myself into this time? I call Tiffany on my wall mirror.

"Hey Comet!" She exclaims.

"Hey Tiffany!" I smile, "I need a favor. You're not gonna like it. Considering how you feel about Marcie-"

"Wait," Tiffany asks, distress in her eyes, "are you dumping me for her?"

"What?" I ask, "no! Never! Don't worry! Whatever even gave you such an idea!?! You gotta stop reading all that fanfiction of that show. What was it called?"

"Jimmy VS The Forces of Darkness."

"Right right. I'm telling you, it's making you paranoid."

"I know, but the relationship between the prince and the demon girl is just so cute."

"I dunno, the demon girl is a little obsessive. It's not healthy for her."

"I think it's true love."

"I ship him with the peasant girl."

"Are you crazy!?! The one who beats the crap out of the demon girl in season one!?!"

"Yeah yeah. Maybe the prince is meant to be alone."

"I don't think so. My guess is that he's gonna go mad. I mean, all the crap his parents did to him..."

"Oh yeah. Jimmy is not OK. Anyways, so, I promised to arrange Marcie's birthday party..."

"Why would you do that!?!" Tiffany demands, "your birthdays weren't celebrated, and you weren't allowed at Star's. What do you know about-"

"That's why I called you. You arranged the Blood Moon Ball right? Can you handle this?"

"Yeah sure," Tiffany glares, "whatever."

"Great," I smile, "I gotta go and get her freinds Johnson and Jim. I'll be back at Marcie's house in an hour. Can you have it set up by then?"

"I'm on my way," Tiffany replies.

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