Marcie the Human

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I walk down the street, constantly on edge, either Moon's gonna find me and kill me, or the High Commission's gonna find me, take me to Moon, and then she'll kill me. It's not like she cares enough to spare my life after what I just pulled.

I sit down on the sidewalk. I've studied Earth a little, so I know how to blend in. Just gotta stay calm and act natural.

I search my pockets, not certain if I actually brought any money on this escapade. I come up empty. My stomach growls. What's a guy to do? I can't get a job on Earth, in fact, I shouldn't be out in the open at all.

I retreat into the forest, my stomach growling. I find myself on a backroad in the middle of the forest, or rather, a walking trail to cut through the forest. I decide to follow it, uncertain where else to go.

I overhear someone whistling, and hide in the brush to the left of the path. A cute girl with long brown hair and a red hoodie appears in my field of vision. In her left hand, she holds a cell phone. An item of minor worth of this planet that I could sell for some pocket change.

As the human passes by, I question what I'm about to do. This isn't my family who abandoned me, this is an innocent bystander. She's done nothing to me. She doesn't deserve to be robbed. Maybe I should just borrow some money from Tiffany, but... I already mean so little. I'm so small in her eyes, being a Mewmen prince and all. I have to do this alone. I can't stay in my sister's shadow.

The girl's phone is within reach now. I'm about to swipe it, when my stomach growls.

I freeze up, my green shirt won't be much of a tell, but my short, blonde hair is gonna get me spotted for sure. The girl looks right at me.

I reach for my wand and prepare for combat, afraid she may attack me.

"What are you doing in there?" She asks.

"Not much," I lie, hiding my wand and spell book behind my back, "just relaxing."

My stomach growls again.

"Are you alright?" The human asks.

"I'm fine," I lie, "it's no biggie."

My stomach roars with hunger.

"I have some food," the human offers, "it's yours if you want it."

"Thanks," I smile as she hands me a sandwich from her backpack.

"Who exactly are you?" She asks.

"I'm Comet," I explain, "I'm... not from around here. You?"

"I'm Marcie," the girl smiles, "what are you doing out here alone on an empty stomach?"

"I'm an orphan," the lie forces itself out. A lie so easy, it may as well be true.

"What?" Marcie asks, "where do you live?"

"Oh," I reply, "I just sleep where ever. Here, there, anywhere."

"And you're OK with that?"

"My parents don't care about me anyways."


"I mean didn't."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. Well, it was nice meeting you Marcie, but I gotta go. Find a place to rest before night falls.

I begin to walk, away, believing this brief encounter to be over.

"Hold up," Marcie stops me, "If you're homeless, why not stay with me for a night? You'll have a roof over your head and three warm meals a day."

"Why help me?" I inquire.

"Oh," Marcie blushes slightly, "no particular reason. Come on, I'll show you the way."

Marcie leads me towards a houss in the suburbs. It looks rather nice. Calm and serene. Seems like a nice place to stay.

"Welcome to my home!" Marcie exclaims, "come on in. I'll show you around."

Marcie leads me inside. Inside my new home (at least for now) on Earth...

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