Welcome to Earth

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"Nice place," I smile.

"Thanks," Marcie replies, "come in. It's nicer inside."

Marcie leads me inside. I see her parents sitting on the couch, laughing, talking to eachother as we walk in.

"Hey Marcie!" Marcie's mother greets, "how was school?"

"It was pretty good," Marcie smiles.

I am filled with intense envy. This kid's getting more love from her parents in two minutes than I've gotten in my whole life. My cheeks glow green again and I look away...

"Who's your new friend?" Marcie's dad asks.

I look up, surpised by of much concern these people are showing for a total stranger. I'm actually quite touched.

"My name's Comet," the green glow stops as I explain, "I'm an orphan. Nice to meet you Mr. Ms..."

"Diaz," Mr. Diaz replies, "and I'm sorry about your parents. How did they..."

"They're not exactly dead," I explain, "as much as they want me dead. They've disowned me, and I fled from my home. Wandered around, and here I am."

I'm certian not to mention that I'm from another dimension. They don't need to know that. However, maybe they didn't need to know what I just said either. Judging by their expressions. Pure shock is what they show. Maybe this was a bad idea. They have eachother. They're happy. They're not gonna welcome some random kid off the street into their home.

"Yeah," I look away, "but I can see you guys don't wanna worry about some stranger's family problems. I should just go. It was nice meeting you all."

I begin to leave, but I hear Mr. Diaz speak, "wait, we need to talk about this. You two just wait there."

Mr. and Ms. Diaz head into the other room. Marcie and I look at eachother.

"Come on," I start to follow, "let's listen in."

"I dunno," Marcie replies, "they walked off for a reason."

"I'm gonna listen with or without you," I reply, "what, do you always play it safe?"

"Kinda, yeah."

"Suit yourself."

I hide just at the corner of the kitchen, and listen in on their conversation.

"I say we let him stay," Mr. Diaz suggests, "if this kid is literally being hunted down by his parents we can't throw him out."

"Well," Ms. Diaz, "I think they're lieing. I mean, look at them. Weird book, odd wand, he belongs in the nut house."

"Look," Mr. Diaz sighs, "you could see it in his eyes, he's not lieing. This kid was abused or neglected or something. I won't let them leave to wander without a home."

"Well explain the wand deal," Ms. Diaz snaps back, "what's up with that?"

"Fine," I sigh, revealing myself, "here's the truth, the whole truth. This is gonna sound crazy, but hear me out until the end because I can prove it."

Marcie taps my shoulder and whispers, "what are you doing?"

"If I'm gonna stay here," I sigh, "you deserve to know the truth, and here it is. My name is Comet, that part was true. My parents are in fact trying to kill me, have by now disowned me, and were neglectful and abusive towards me. I am the prince of a far away land called Mewni, a kingdom of magic and monsters. In this land, the female heirs hold all the power, so after Star, my sister was born I was sent away to a boarding school. I broke out, and they didn't even care enough to send me back. I later summoned a demon, just to have a friend. I ended up summoning Tiffany, my girlfriend and-"

"You have a girlfriend?" Marcie asks.

"Yeah," I reply, "she's been by my side, my only friend. The only one I have. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," Marcie quickly blushes and looks away.

"Anyways," I continue, "today was the day my sister, who's younger than me, was going to get her wand and the spell book. She was going to train to match the High Commission, which are basically gods. She was getting what was RIGHTFULLY MINE!"

My green glow flares up, I take a deep breath, think about Tiffany, calming myself, and continue, "Tiffany and I stole the spell book and wand right before Star's eyes. Why? Because I wanted to look her in the eye as I reclaimed by birthright. However, this was an act of treason, and my parents hate me, so, they've likely hired a hit man by now. That's why I came here. Now, you may not believe me. I wouldn't either, which is why I want you to watch very closely."

I grip my wand, as it glows with a faint green light. I take a deep breath, and concentrate.

"Narwhal blast!" I exclaim. Narwhals burst from the wand, flying through the air.

"And that's everything," I sigh, "I'm on the run from a powerful royal family with many connections. I can see myself out if you like."

"No," Ms. Diaz stops me, "don't go. You can stay here until you figure out something else."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah," Mr. Diaz replies, "and if you ever wanna talk about your old family..."

"I never had one in the first place," I reply, "I've actually had a bit of a day so I'm gonna turn in early. Good night guys... wait, where's the guest room?"

"Second floor," Marcie replies, "third door on the left."

"Thanks," I smile, "see you guys tomorrow."

I head upstairs and look around my room. It's a cozy size, but I don't wanna upset the Diazs by expanding it without permission. I get in my bed, it's soft, comforting, safe. My green glow fades, and holding the wand and spellbook, I go to sleep. Already feeling more loved and accepted here in a day than I did after years on Mewni.

And now, an alternate outro.

I think Earth is a pretty great place.

Maybe I'm biased, cause Mewni's a place I hate.

I'm not going back, not for a while.

I'm gonna stay here and become stronger.

I'll be king someday, and then I'll have vengeance.

Moon and River, can't ignore me again.

Although they're probably, gonna kill me for the wand.

End of outro.

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