First day back

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Summer pov
Today was the first day of sophomore year. I'm always eager to go to school ever since Mr. Finn came. I woke up and brushed my teeth, curled my hair, then changed into these clothes:

Once I put my outfit on, I put on some light makeup and waited for Tomika and Esme

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Once I put my outfit on, I put on some light makeup and waited for Tomika and Esme. We decided to walk to school, since we all lived close. I heard a doorbell as I grabbed my granola bar and opened the door. There stood my best friends Tomika and Esme wearing:

 There stood my best friends Tomika and Esme wearing:

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^^tomikas outfit

^^esmes outfitS: hey guysT&E: heyT: you ready?S: yea, lemme just get my bag and we'll go

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^^esmes outfit
S: hey guys
T&E: hey
T: you ready?
S: yea, lemme just get my bag and we'll go.

I got my backpack and we headed to school.
During the walk to school, Tomika asked us questions.

T: are you guys ready to go back to Mr. Fin's class?
E&S: yea
T: same, but I'm not ready to see those annoying guys again.
S: neither can I, let's just hope they'd just ignore us.. somehow.
E: well I'm excited to see Lawrence!
(A. N. Pretend lawrence and Esme were already dating, the only people who were mad at each other was Zack and Freddy and Summer and Tomika)

We arrive at the front of the school early, because we my house was the closest to school. We all had the same classes, so we just went to our lockers. I separated from Tomika and Esme since their lockers were in the hallway on the other side of mines.While walking in I saw him. The most annoying, ignorant person in the planet. He was surrounded by so many girls, which made me roll my eyes. I walk pat through, making my way to my locker. I put my new books in and took the ones I needed for my first period out. I then feel a tap on my shoulder and turned around. Of course the first day back something HAS to go wrong. There stood the green eye with his "perfect hair". I just rolled my eyes for the one hundredth time, not saying a word and closed my locker. He was just smirking at me so I decided to leave him. Once I turned to go to class, he grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"What do you want? I have to get to class," I say as I try to get away from his strong grip.

"Seems like someone got their period this morning," he says laughing.

"You're so lucky I'm to lazy to punch you right now." I say still trying to get out of his grip, but there's no point.

"a feisty one huh?" He says smirking.

"whatever." I say finally getting out and head to class.

I let go of him grip and started to walk to class. Sadly he had to follow me, since we were in the same classes. This is going to be a long day.


Tomika pov
I went to my locker when summer left us to go to hers. I got my books out and made a note telling me to decorate my locker after school. I then headed to class, to see the one and only Zack.

I just walked though hoping he didn't notice me, since he was alone. Of course knowing me, I would mess it up by making a noise with my shoes. He saw me and smirked. I just keep walking hoping he didn't come follow me. But of course, having karma, he grabbed my hand and spun me around. He looked at me from my feet to my face again. Was he checking me out...

T: what do u want.
Z: aww did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning *says in teasing voice
T: if u don't let go, I'll make sure your going to stay in bed your whole life. (Makes a fist)

He puts his hands up in surrender and I smirk. I went to class, where I saw summer walking in with Freddy behind her? I'll just ask after school.


This is after lunch cuz I'm to lazy to write it 😂

Summer pov
We were jamming like how we did before summer break, but this time we didn't smile or even look at each other. I guess mr. Finn noticed because he stopped us from playing.

MF: wow stop right there
T: what is it mr. Finn
S: yea I thought we sounded pretty good
MF: yea but u guys seem like your not happy with the music, because u guys aren't even looking at each other
T: what's the point of looking at each other, I would rather look at trash than look at those idiots while I'm playing
S: same over here
MF: what's wrong with u guys, what did those idiots do to u two?
F: We have a name ya know
S: yea yea whatever idiot, but mr. Finn I'm not looking at them.
MF: you guys will have to make this problem okay by tomorrow, or else it's going to affect the band.
Everyone: yea yea/ whatever
MF: were going to take a break for today so just do whatever u want, but remember to fix this problem.
Everyone: yes mr. Finn

The bell rings and everyone leaves the classroom, including mr. Finn. The only people inside the classroom was Freddy, Zack, Summer, and Tomika. Summer and Tomika were about to leave, until the boys came in front of us.

S: move idiots
F: again we have a name, Freddy and Zack.
T: well your nicknames are idiots and retards so get used to it ritardo. (Get it since Freddy's name irl is Ricardo and he's a retard, no? Ok)(an another update and I realized IM CRINGEY LMAO)

Zack locks the door to the classroom.
T: hey unlock the door
Z: not until we settle this thing
T: nope not gunna happen
S: your not gunna make us talk to u guys together so we're gunna be here for a while *sits on top of the desk
F: not if we separate both of u
S: don't u dare--

Zack takes Tomika somewheee I don't know, while Freddy and summer stay in mr. Finns class.

S: Tomika!
F: so now will u talk to me, babe
S: first of all, don't EVER call me babe. Secondly, I don't want to talk to u.
F: well to late we're already talking, and since your calling me idiot yours is babe okay babe?

This is gunna take long..


Tomika pov
Zack drags me out of the classroom, and to the janitors classroom. I couldn't get out of his grip, man has this kid been working out this summer..? He locks the janitors closet and looks at me.

T: why did u have to do that? *trying to unlock the door
Z: keep trying I have the key *smirks
T: what do u want retard????
Z: for us to solve this out
T: what do I mean by this
Z: our band and everything
T: keep talking but your not gunna get anything out of me.
I said sliding down the door.

Hopefully summer didn't forgive Freddy.

So this is the first official chapter of my second sor book. Hope u guys liked it and next chapter will be updated this week, but I'm not for sure the day. Bye loves ❤️

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