The dare that will ruin everything

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Freddy pov (something different 😂)
We were all locked into school the whole night. The janitor comes to school everyday at 8 am and leaves at 4 pm. With our chances of course he leaves right at 4, while we all solved our problems at later. At least Zack and I could do our stupid dare. Oh, I forgot you readers don't know the dare.. FLASHBACK

*Flashback 1 week before school starts

Zack and I arrived at the skatepark, so we could skate. We found our friends James and Logan.

L: sup bro
F: hey
Z: yo
J: u guys ready for school again
F: yea totally...
L: we kinda have a dare for u guys, since we know u won't choose truth at the first place, am I right?
F&Z: I guess, but what's the dare
L: u have to get two girls
F: easy! Man U guys suck at dares
Z: who's the girls
J: okay then... u guys have to get summer and Tomika
Z&F: WHAT?!? U know those two hate our guts u want us to get killed
L: a dare is a dare *smirks and I thought it was "easy" for u
F: whatever, we'll get those in a month
J: u better not get feelings for those, u have a reputation to uphold. *points finger at us
Z: we won't have feelings for those two, but let's just hope that Tomika won't punch the hell out of me if she finds out...
Everyone but Zack: Hahahhahahahah 😂😂
Z: shut up Freddy, summers getting tougher ya know? *giggles
F: ya ya anyways let's just skate already

*end of flashback

Freddy pov
This is the reason why we're flirting with these two. They have no clue, that me and Zack are going to play their hearts 😏. I hope I don't get feelings for Summer, and Zack won't get feelings for Tomika.... I guess we'll just see what happens.
Another chapter loves! It's short but next chapter will be longer, since it will be them sleeping at the school overnight. Things might happen 😉😏 * hint hint. Okay again don't have a schedule, but I will be updating a lot when summer break is going to start. Bye loves 🙏👋

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