Time to find my princess (still a little zamika)

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Zack pov
I wake up, with Tomika next to me. She's still sleeping, so I give her a kiss on her forehead and gently pull away from her hugging me. She's so cute when she's sleep. I get ready and change to my clothes. I went to make breakfast, but while I was cooking pancakes, I get a message from Freddy: Freddy bold

Good morning, u wake yet Zamika? 😏
What do u want Fredrick
Just telling u guys that the cops think they know where sum is
Okay we'll go to your house
See ya there Zamika, hope Sums okay 😔
Me too 🙏

Then a sleepy Tomika shows up out of nowhere. Once she smells the pancakes she runs up to the kitchen counter.

Z: geez good morning to u too
T: o yea good morning, NOW GIVE MAMA SOME PANCAKES
Z: woah okay!

We ate breakfast then I told her that we were going to meet up with Freddy. She got dress quickly and we skateboarded to his house. We arrive at his house and find him outside.

F: hey Zamika
Z: could u stop 😂
T: what's Zamika?
T: ok geez... anyway did they find sum
F: yea the cops gave me the address we should go now before it's to late
Z: let's go

Freddy pov
We all go to the address that the cops gave us. Time to find my princess
Sorry for the short chapter! Updating again later, and that will be on fremmer. See u later loves!

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