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Summer pov
We let go of the hug, then Freddy started leaning in. I don't know what was going on in my head, but all of a sudden I started leaning in too. We were less than an inch close to kissing until.....

(Ha u thought I gave another cliffhanger 😂)

I hear someone calling my name. Man so close! We repositioned ourselves and see a running Zack coming out to the back. While watching him come closer, I swear I see in the corner of my eye, an annoyed Freddy. Aww he looks cute when he's annoyed... SNAP OUT OF IT SUMMER. Zack came up to us:

Z: hey Sun u ok..?
S: now I am *smiles
Z: well then come on, everyone's waiting for u
S: ok

Freddy pov
We were about to leave, until I held Summer back. She looked at me, confused

S: what are u doing?
F: I think you forgot something before Zack came and ruined it
S: *giggles whatever Jones, let's go
F: but--

Before I could protest, she dragged me inside Zacks house. Everyone was having fun laughing, drinking, dancing, making out, etc. I was talking to my friend, while I catch something with my eye. It was Tomika and Summer..? They were fighting with.. o oh. It was Gabby and Jessica. (An. If u don't remember, they were the ones flirting with Freddy and Zack at the skatepark.) Zack sees me looking too, and we both came up to them before it got ugly.

Tomika pov
I was talking to Summer about how her and Freddy almost had their "moment" until I see someone familiar. It was Gabby and Jessica, coming towards us. Uh oh.... Summer turns and once she sees them, her smile becomes a cold stare.

J: Happy birthday gurl!! *sarcastic voice
G: Here's your present
S: don't u dare touch me

I was gunna do something, until Zack and Freddy held us back.

F: goodbye
Z: let's go

Freddy takes summer and Zack takes me. The girls stomp away to these other guys, who I don't even know. We just enjoyed the rest of the party, until everyone else started to leave. It was only me, Summer, Zack, and Freddy.

S: thanks guys, this was the best birthday
T: group hug!

We all hugged and left to go to our houses. I drifted to sleep, thinking about Zack.

*next day still Tomkia pov

I wake up and changed into:

I wake up and changed into:

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And headed out the door. I find Summer at my locker wearing:

 I find Summer at my locker wearing:

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I then greeted her:

T: hey Sum!
S: Tomiks! I need your help...
T: sure with what?
S: I think I like Freddy... again

I stood there shocked. I was about to scream Fremmer, until she covered my mouth. I calmed down and she removed her hand from my mouth.

T: thanks
S: yea yea... but DONT tell anyone. I don't even know if I actually do
T: o trust me, u still do
S: let's just head to class

I closed my locker, to see that Freddy and Zack were talking at Freddy's desk. They see us walk in, and Zack looks at me smirking. Freddy looks away from me and Summer. I was gunna ask what was that about, until someone gives us a surprise visit.......
Sorry if I made your fremmer heart sad for not making them kiss, but it'll come next time 😂. I wonder who visited their class... anyways bue bye 👋

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